Monday, April 13, 2009

U.S. Policy Change Toward Cuba

The Associated Press has reported senior U.S. officials have said President Obama plans to announce a policy change toward Cuba before the Summit of Americas April 17-19 in Trinidad and Tobago.  The President recently signed legislation that rolled back rules imposed by the Bush administration that limited Cuban travel by Americans to just two weeks every 3 years and confined visits to immediate family members. 
The legislation that Obama signed now allows Americans with relatives in Cuba to visit once a year, stay as long as they want and spend up to $179 a day.  That is a common sense change that should have been made years ago.
Hopefully President Obama will continue to change our policy that will bring that Island and its people into a relationship as close allies for the benefit of both countries.  A free Cuba to manage its own affairs with a good relationship between both countries will be a benefit for the hemisphere. 
I have written in a recent and past posts about American-Cuban relations that our past policies should be updated to fit the times we are living in.  A country only 90 miles from our shore line would be better as an ally and partner, than an adversary.  The next step should be to lift the embargo. 

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

I like the posts that have been written about Cuba-American relations. A change in the position of the U.S. and Cuba is called for at this particular time. A friendly nation so close to our shore would be a positive step for both countries foreign relations. I hope it happens.