Saturday, June 6, 2009

President Obama, Israel and The Palestinians

President Obama in Cairo, Egypt on June 4th in a speech to the world had some blunt words for Israel.  He expressed sympathy for the Palestinians and what he called the "daily humiliations, large and small, that come with occupation."  He also described the Palestinians plight as "intolerable" after 60 years of statelessness reported the New York Times and several T.V. stations.  The President also said the United States does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements. 
Obama's speech was a clear break from the previous administration and signaled he does not support or desire to continue the status quo on the subject.  His speech was also a direct piece of diplomacy to let Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu know that the U.S. policy is no new and or expansion of settlements into Palestinians territory and that the two state solution is the only solution.  Netanyahu has recently slipped away from those two conditions.
It is about time an American President faces the real problem concerning Israel and the Palestinian problem.  President Obama needs to hang tough and continue to be blunt in his pursuit of a lasting peace.  It will take tough dialog between all parties concerned because there will be factions on both sides that will try and wreck the peace process.  If President Obama follows through on his courageous speech it will make a difference and a lasting peace will have an opportunity to evolve. 


Anonymous said...

Good show by President Obama. If his administration continues to speak out and put the settlement of this issue front and center, something positive may just be accomplished.

Anonymous said...

Today's news carried Israel's prime minister Netanyahu outline of what Israel's position is concerning a peace agreement with Palestine. The right wing prime minister once again showed his extreme side. He wants a Palestine to bow down to Israel and wants it to be a one way street in favor of Israel. Hopefully President Obama will reject his right wing thinking. Netanyahu is bad for America and bad for the peace process in the middle east.