Sunday, December 6, 2009

The National Debt: Betrayal and Devastation

This will conclude a number of commentaries I wrote on federal spending, deficit spending and the national debt during the administrations of Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. See note 1 below concerning my previous commentaries.

The terrible economic, fiscal and financial situation taking place at this very hour is a result of the deficit spending and debt created by the reckless ideology of Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 during the past 28 years. America is drowning in debt due to their desire to bankrupt the federal government. During those 28 years President Clinton was the only President who learned from the past and reversed the deficit spending of the Reagan-Bush 41 area. The below information on the debt they created along with Bush 43 tells the real story.

The national debt on 9/30/81, President Carter's last fiscal year budget stood at $999.8 billion. Eight years later when Reagan's last fiscal year budget ended on 9/29/89 the national debt stood at a whopping $2.857 trillion, an increase of $1.859 trillion or 186%. Reagan never balanced one federal budget during his two terms in office, he did not send one balanced budget to congress and his administration paid zero down on the national debt.

George H.W. Bush followed Reagan and four years later when his last fiscal budget year ended on 9/30/93 the national debt stood at $4.411 trillion, an increase of $1.554 trillion or 54%. Bush like Reagan never balanced one federal budget or sent one balanced budget to congress and his administration paid down zero on the national debt.

Bill Clinton followed Bush 41 and when his eight years ended with fiscal year budget 9/30/01 the national debt stood at $5.807 trillion, an increase of $1.395 trillion or 31%. Clinton reduced the deficit every year his first four years in office and then ran surpluses his last four years in office and ended up with a $62.8 billion surplus for his eight years. His administration also paid down $453 billion on the national debt.

George W. Bush followed Clinton and when his eight years ended with fiscal year budget 9/30/09 the national debt stood at $11.909 trillion, an increase of $6.102 trillion or 105%. Like Reagan and Bush 41, he did not balance any federal budgets in the eight years he served or sent one balanced budget to congress and his administration paid down zero on the national debt.

Those four Presidents added a total of $10.946 trillion to the national debt since President Carter's last fiscal year budget and Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 were responsible for $9.551 trillion of that total. Those three President were given 20 years to put the governments fiscal house in order and instead created un-precedented debt for America.

Now comes the real sad story. Interest paid on the national debt because of the money borrowed to finance deficit spending during the above time frame from fiscal 9/30/81 to fiscal 9/30/09 was approximately $8.4 trillion. Granted that some of the interest payments covered the previous $900 billion of debt before 9/30/81 but one can see the great majority of interest was created since then and the great majority on the republican watch, in fact 87%.

That $10.946 trillion in debt plus $8.4 trillion in interest adds up to $19.346 trillion. The $8.4 trillion paid in interest payments is wasted money that does not create one job or add to the quality of life for our people. Think of what that $8.4 trillion alone could have paid for. The country's defense budget is approximately $660 billion, social security approximately $640 billion and medicare approximately $500 billion. Those programs could have been extended a lot of years with that kind of money. Because of this massive debt and the terrible shape of the economy the CBO projects that by the year 2019 interest payments alone to service the debt will be $800 billion a year unless steps are taken to reduce the deficit spending and debt.

President Obama, our country and its people have been left with the worst economic, financial and fiscal situation since the great depression and now something has to give. It is time now for our leaders to lead with courage and do the right thing. If republicans keep up their opposition to every thing the Obama administration proposes to move the country forward the President should adopt one of President Truman's famous sayings: To Hell with them, when history is written, they will be the sons of bitches, not I.

Note l: Three part series with recap titled: " The U.S. Economy: Which Party Performs Best" dated 1-27-08, 2-17-08, 2-25-08 and 3-02-08: The Fiscal Legacy of George W. Bush dated 10-30-09 and Federal Spending: Facts vs. Myth dated 10-31-09.

Note 2: National Debt and Interest numbers are taken from the Treasury Dept. on line information.

Note 3: The actual numbers on the national debt and interest paid are not exact. The numbers were rounded off to the first six digits so the numbers shown are lower than the acutal numbers.

Note 4: The $6.102 trillion of debt George W. Bush's administration added to the national debt in just eight short years should really tell the story of just what Mr. Bush did to the taxpayers of this country.


Anonymous said...

The nation would have been so much better off today if Reagan and Bush balanced the budget instead of the massive tax cuts that benefited the wealthy the most. Instead the nation has this tremendous debt and failed economy.

Anonymous said...

What we need are a balanced budget amendment and a term limits amendment to force Congress to address the deficit. Congress will never pass these itself, though, because they like spending our money to help themselves get reelected, and they don't want to vote themselves out of office.

Article V of the Constitution lets the states circumvent Congress to get amendments passed. All we need are 2/3 of the state legislatures to request a constitutional convention to propose amendments. I found a website called that is trying to get the state legislatures to do this. I don't think there's any other way.

Anonymous said...

$14,000 Billion Surplus missed

NOTE—Numbers are rounded and are not exact. Simplistic. Purpose here is for an Overview.
Will be exact in my forthcoming book.

No Reagan or Bush Tax Cuts for the very Rich.
Today we would have a $14,000B SURPLUS


$14,000 Billion SURPLUS

24 X $750B=$18,000B Revenue missed (1985-2009)
5 X $1700B=$8,500B Revenue missed (2004-2009)
Total $26,500 Billion of Revenue missed

Debt is close to $12,000B
$26,500B of Revenue and we would have no Debt but a $14,000B Surplus

Now you know what occurred?


In 1980 the top 1% owned 20% of Total Financial Wealth
In 1989 it was 36%.
An 80% Increase via good old Ronnie enrich the rich policies and shaft middle class.
Even his David Stockman said his Tax Cut was Trojan Horse to enrich the rich.

Bush took over and now 20% own 93% of Total Financial non-home Wealth.
Top 2.7% got four times as much of Bush Tax Cuts as bottom 80%.

Those are, primarily, Wall Streeter who own our major corporations.
During Bush 8 sent 2,300,000 jobs to CHINA.
While getting huge bonuses on profits from Gambling..
While closing hundreds of plants in America.
While eliminating millions of jobs.
While buying our government.

The new--Wall Street of America--formerly USA

All Aboard! Next Boat to China in 2010 carries all jobs from Hanesbrands
Winston-Salem NC jobless thank you Wall Street.

p.s. Actually the Surplus would be much more.
The ultra rich got most of Income Increase since 1980.
A Tax Increase would have gotten us more of it
clarence swinney burlington nc

Anonymous said...

EMPIRE DESTRUCTION—Rome-Spain-Holland-England-America???

1980 to 2007

20 years Conservative Presidents
18 years Conservative Senate
12 years Conservative House
6 years Total Conservative Control

Redistribution of Wealth to top 20%.

Folk! It was downhill slide for Middle Class.

FACTS---numbers rounded-

Financial Wealth owned by 1%
1946--30% of Total Wealth
1980—20%--a 33% decline due to Estate Tax and High Top Income Tax Rate.
1989---37%--Reagan Tax Cut(60%) got Rich Increase of 80% of Total Wealth

10% owned 80% of all stocks
1% owned 40% of all stocks
30% owned 18%(bottom 30%)
20% owned 93% of Total Financial Wealth
Wall Street history before 1980 was to build American businesses and American jobs

1980-2007—1% Income Increased by 170%. 2500 Billion in Tax Cuts for them

Most Major corporations are owned by WALL STREET RICH MEN CASINO

In 1945, Corporations paid 35.4% of federal revenues and 7.4% in 2003
In 2007, Corporations paid an average of 16% of profit in federal taxes.
In 2000, 45% of corporations with revenue over 50 million paid NO federal tax

Five Wall Street Banks control 75% of all Bank Deposits in America. 5.

Two control 20%.

Think that is not POWER???


In 8 years of Bush with 6 years of Total Control

BAILOUT—enriched Big Gamblers big time
$120 Billion went to Wall Street Gamblers
$18 Billion went to working class
Food Stamp Families--Increased 90% from 1980 to 2005

They (wall street rich) created a Net New Jobs of 31,000(19.000?) per month.

Why? That is NET. You take the new jobs created and subtract the ones sent to China(2,300,000).

31,000! Wow! 19,000?

Bush took over after Clinton had created 237,000 Net New Jobs per month.
Reagan took Carter 218,000 net new jobs down to 175,000 per month.

Clinton left Bush a spending of 1830 B Per Year.
Bush doubled it to 3600 B.

Bush inherited a 5700B Debt from Clinton.
He took it to 11,500B
Had he not given Rich Huge Tax Cuts he would have had a huge surplus
20 years of 3 conservative presidents had this Horrible record.

Took the Debt of less than 1000B after 200 years and added on 8000B.
In 2009 they are spinning big time to blame Obama for huge debt.
Conservatives will spend millions to coverup their Big Recession.

Much of that 8000B Debt add-on went to WALL STREET GAMBLERS.

The people do not know what has happened to them.
Shhh! Do not awaken sleeping Democrats.

Forbes list of 400 Richest reveals how many became Billionaires via corporate
takeovers and Hedge Gambling

Right Wingers yell--- Rich Pay most of taxes.

Income Taxes!Yes! They have most of the income.
From 1997 to 2001 the rich 1% took 24% of total national individual income growth
In 1980 there were 10 Billionaires and in 1988 there were 51. Reagan 60% Income Tax Cut?

Without Reagan Income Tax Cut for Rich we would, in 1989, have had a surplus of 1300 Billion.
In 2009, even with Bush horrid record, a Surplus of 6000 Billion.
Tax Cuts have Consequences. Some Good. Some bad. Some Horrible.
.Yet! Conservatives transferred much of taxation from Rich to Middle Class. Reagan elimination of REVENUE SHARING a disaster for Middle Class where taxes were transferred from Rich Income taxes to Middle Class in State and Local Taxes.

Was it a Designed Act of taxation transfer by Conservatives.

In 2008 the Middle Class paid 30% of nominal Income in Federal-State-Local Taxes.
Top 10% paid 30% also. Progressive tax system?

Social Security Tax Increase in 1983 was it designed to hit the Middle Class and ease on the rich?

Greenspan + Reagan. 6.2% Tax on Middle Class. One earns $50,000 pays 6.2%. Earns $1,000,00 pays 6.4%. Earns $10,000,000 pays 1/10th of 1%. By design to keep rich rich?

Was Destruction of S&Ls a deliberate act of wealth transfer from 400 local investors to individual Rich on Wall Street?

Anonymous said...

GDP--rose from 6300 to 11,600
NATIONAL INCOME-5,000 to 8,000 Billion--took 20 years to grow 2500B before Clinton
JOBS CREATED--over 22 million--record by far
AVERAGE WEEKLY HOURS WORKED--never hit 35.0--hit that  mark 4 times in 80's
UNEMPLOYMENT--from 7.2% down down down to 3.9%
WELFARE TO WORK—11,533,710 on federal roll in 1996 and 3,880,321 in 2007.
MINIMUM WAGE--$4.25 to $5.15
MINORITIES--did exceedingly well
HOME OWNERSHIP--hit all time high
DEFICIT--290 Billion to whoopee a SURPLUS
DEBT----+28%---300% increase over prior12 years
FEDERAL SPENDING--+28%---80% under Reagan- who da true conservative?
DOW JONES AVERAGE--3,500 to 11,800  all it's history to get to 3500 and Clinton zooms it
NASDAQ--700 to 5,000---all of it's history to get to 700 and Clinton zooms it
VALUES INDEXES-- almost all bad went down--good went up in zoom zoom zoom
FOREIGN AFFAIRS--Peace on Earth good will toward each other---Mark of a true Christian--what has Bush done to Peace on Earth?
POPULARITY---highest poll ratings  in history during peacetime in  AFRICA, ASIA AND EUROPE even 98.5% in Moscow--left office with highest gallup rating since it was started in 1920's.
STAND UP FOR JUSTICE--evil conservatives spent $110,000,000 on hearings and investigations and caught--- ONE--- very evil man who took a few plane rides to events.
BOW YOUR HEADS--Thank you God for sending us a man of Bill Clinton's character, intelligence, knowledge of governance, ability to face up to crises without whimpering and a great leader of the world.

clarence swinney

Anonymous said...

Need Jobs. Hire Experts.
Net New Jobs Per Year
Rounded numbers
Wall Street Journal 1-19-09

Truman-- 1,100,000
Ford------- 745,000
Bush I----- 625,000
Eisenhower 438,000
Bush II---- 375,000

Republican-- 5,883,000

Per Day In Office
Democrat---10,125 Days
Republican-13,149 Days

Jobs per day
clarence swinney

Anonymous said...

John Lucia on Debt is absolutely wonderful.
Here is my summation on it.


From 1946 to 1980 the period was known as the GREAT MIDDLE CLASS YEARS
Each President worked to reduce the Debt from WWII.
In 1980 Debt was less than 1000 Billion and Government Spending was 600 Billion per year.

Reagan boastful Cut Taxes plus Cut the size of Government was a Trojan Horse, per his OMB Stockman, to cut Taxes for very rich.

Reagan was Governor for 8 years during which he increased Taxes on many items.
He increased the state revenues more than any predecessor.
By Far. Cutting Government? Ho Hum. Blarney Baloney once more.

Reagan policies increased Spending by 80% .
Debt by 186%.
9-3-01 Debt was $999.9 Billion and 9-30-89 at $1,859 Billion
Conservatives use Spin: It was Congress.
From 1930 to 1980 we spent $6066 Billion.
Reagan 8 Budgets totaled over $7000 Billion.
Congress? Ho Hum.
Blarney Baloney.
Congress returned Reagan 8 budgets for his signature with
fewer total dollars on them.
Haynes Johnson in “sleepwalking” said Reagan administration was “most scurrilous in history”
138 were investigated /charged/fined. More than total for all preceding Presidents in 20th century.
There were scandals in 27 Departments of the Federal Government.
Most involved money fraud.
The book “Ronald Reagan-There he goes again” documents over 300 incorrect statements by good old Ron.
Each President from 1945 reduced the Debt then came Spend-Borrow Reagan
to increase government by 80%.

THEN-Here comes GHW BUSH.
No braggart here. Nice Gentleman.
He increased Debt to $4411 Billion.
A 54% Increase.
Give him credit for increasing Tax on Rich due to out of control Deficits.
He had courage to put America first over ideology and party.

The Debt on 19-30-1993 was $4411 Billion.
The Debt on 9-3-01 was $5807 Billion.
An increase of $1396 or 31%
Clinton reduced the Deficit in each of first four years.
He ended with a surplus.

HERE comes old King of Spend-Borrow GW BUSH
Debt was $5807 Billion and on 9-30-09 it was $11,909 Billion.
105% increase.
Bush I-54%

Reagan-Bush I-Bush II did not pay down a penny of debt in 20 years

Those 4 added $10,946 Billion to our Debt.
Bush I and Bush II added $9551 Billion.

Three so called conservatives promoted cut government.
Up = Down to them.

9-30-81 to 9-30-09 we paid $8400 Billion in Interest.
87% Interest Paid on Debt incurred by the Famous 3.

The $10,946 in Debt plus $8400 Billion of Interest is $19,346 Billion.

Revenue not received due to Reagan + Bush I Tax cuts was $26,000 Billion.
We have a $12,00 Billion Debt in 2010 and would have a $14,000 Billion Surplus
were there no Tax Cuts primarily to enrich the rich of richest.

Now! What do we do?

Increase Unearned Income Tax to 28%.
Increase Top Income Tax Rate to 40%
Increase Estate Tax big time big time biggie

Or go to Flat Tax of 35%.
Or Flat Tax on Consumption of 40%.

Neal Boortz 2005 Book proposes a 23% Flat Tax.
Smoking a weed?
How do you cover a 3500B budget with 23% of 10,000 Total National Income?

No deductions. None. Dream on.

Clarence Swinney
Political historian since 1991 on Reagan-Clinton-Bush II administrations.
Lifeaholics Of America -- old n ugly but honest
Author-Lifeaholic-Work for a Life not just a Living—Workaholic to Lifeaholic
Author-forthcoming-All American Party—How Democrats created a Great Middle Class and Conservatives are determined to destroy it
Stats from 12-6-09 article by John Lucia “The National Debt:Betrayal and Devastation