Thursday, April 22, 2010

Congress And The Regulation Of Wall Street And Financial Institutions

President Obama and the democrats in congress are working on legislation to bring the free wheeling dealings of Wall Street and its bankers under control to prevent another meltdown that was experienced in 2008. That also includes their shady dealings. The President and democratic leaders in congress have asked the republicans to join them, but once again the ditto heads say they will oppose the democratic proposal and vote no.

It was reported Mitch McConnell, the republican minority leader in the senate met with the banking lobby and affirmed to that lobby they would oppose the democratic plan. The republican conservatives have once again said no in keeping with their unAmerican ideology of opposing anything coming out of the Obama administration or the democratic congress. Their do nothing attitude is in line with their record of failure to accomplish any thing meaningful for the country and its people.

The party that gave America 90% of its deficit spending and debt, a ruined economy, the worst job creating record since the great depression and the loss of a record number of jobs in the economy is alive and still sick. This sad bunch is still led by the likes of Newt Gingrich, Dick Armey and the conservative right wing who want to see America fail. They are all a pitiful lot.

The President and the democratic congress need to push on with legislation to bring Wall Street and its bankers under control and truly regulate their activity that sent the economy on its downward course. Let the republicans continue to be the unAmerican party since that is their own choice. When the vote is taken in the senate lets see if the republican party will have at least 4 or 5 republican senators who believe in America and vote with the democrats. The President and the democratic congress should continue to lead by action.

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