Thursday, November 11, 2010

Louisiana's David Vitter and Steve Scalise: The Problem When You are A Nobody

They both fit President Truman's description to a tee when he said the republicans stand for nothing. The President was right then and fifty years later his words still ring true for the republican party, Vitter and Scalise. They have no positive accomplishments to offer the American people or the country even when their party controls the White House and congress.

Vitter and Scalise like to talk about controlling federal spending and federal deficits, but their party holds the record for both. Ditto creating debt, ditto record job losses, ditto failed economy and it all happened on their watch. Like Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43, Vitter and Scalise would like nothing better than to bankrupt the federal government. They have never seen a republican deficit they did not love.

When you belong to the party of no, it is a reflection of not being able to compete with your peers. And when you want to see your Presidents policy and the country fail like Vitter and Scalise do it is a sign of weakness, lack of character and courage. Its hell when you have to attack some one else in order to get attention. And hell is even worse when you have no record to run on. That says it all.


Anonymous said...

Just looking at these two guys exposes you to see they have no character. They look like they would lie to their best friend just for kicks.

Anonymous said...

Did any one hear the latest statement from those folks. Not extending the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy is a job killer. They must be thinking about the Bush administration and their support for Mr. Bush's failed policies.
Two sorry, sorry people. With a do nothing Republican Governor and two do nothing republican in the name of Vitter and Scalise, is it any wonder why their is no progress in Louisiana for the people.