Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Paul Ryan's Republican Budget: A conformation of Conservative Sleaze

Like last year, Representative Paul Ryan offered another budget to the republican controlled U.S. House and will once again be defeated by the President and democrats in congress. Ryan and conservatives have proven themselves to be lackeys on budget matters and now with Romney's support it has closed the loop on conservatism and ignorance.

Ryan and Romney like to talk a good game of cutting spending and balancing the federal budget but were quiet as a scared mouse when Bush and the republicans who controlled both houses of congress were running up record federal deficits and record federal spending. That would have been the best opportunity to stand up and be counted but instead they did what conservatives do, they cut and ran.

The Ryan-Romney budget would reduce federal revenue, give the largest tax breaks and reductions to the wealthy and corporate America and would kill social security and medicare as we know it. If you think that sounds familiar it is because Republicans have tried the same thing in the past. The conservatives idea of reducing federal revenue for the government is to starve the government of money so programs for the needy can be killed.

Paul Ryan and his party had their chance to cut spending and balance the budget on their watch and they failed to do so. Thank the good Lord Bill Clinton came along when he did and reversed their sorry record of deficit spending and debt. President Obama's policies, if reelected will reverse the republican's mess and restore fiscal responsibility to the federal government. That scares the hell out of the conservatives.

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