Friday, July 20, 2012

The Talking Points Of The Wealthy Concerning Taxes

Taxes, no one likes them, especially income taxes but every one knows they are necessary until another source of revenue is found to operate local, state and the federal government.  We also know that the Reagan and Bush 43 tax cuts benefited the wealthy the most and threw the relationalship out of kilter compared to the tax middle income Americans pay.  Taking together with the tax loop holes and breaks that are tilted to help the wealthy and Corporate America, one can see how tax fairness is a real issue in the November elections.

The wealthy, which includes Mitt Romney responds to this unfairness with the following talking points:  "We simply follow the tax laws and if loop holes exist we take advantage of that.  We are not ashamed and take advantage of what ever the tax code allows".  Journalists seem to get tongue tied by these talking points of the wealthy, Corporate America and Mr. Romney but the answer to the talking points is very simple.  The wealthy, Corporate America and Mr. Romney spend millions of dollars in campaign contributions to members of congress to lobby them to write the loop holes and create those tax breaks in the tax code for their own self interest.  Their money talks and there are enough people in congress who are willing to create those tax breaks and loop holes.  In other words those tax breaks and loop holes are not earned, they are bought. 

The latest loop hole to be exposed is that Corporate America can ship American jobs over seas and can deduct that expense on their taxes.  Does any one believe that congress thought about this loop hole on their own?  It shows what the wealthy will do to avoid paying their fair share and how many in congress are yes men to that wealth. 

America was a better country in all phases when the wealthy paid their fair share.  The wealthy now not only want to pay less, they now also do not care about the harm they have done to the country, its people, the economy and job creation.  President Obama has a responsibility to see that congress changes the status quo of this unfair problem.

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