Friday, August 30, 2013

Journalists E.J. Dionne and Michael Barone

Both journalists recently had a commentary published in the New Orleans Advocate of Aug. 26 and 27.  Mr. Dionne's article titled, "GOP Threat Would Bring Armageddon" and Mr. Barone's article titled,  FDR Could Teach Obama Effectiveness" were generations apart.

Dionne's Liberal philosophy and commentary showed his understanding of what is happening today in America and how the republican party is obstructing the ability of President Obama to move the country forward.  It is a commentary of daily events to keep the people informed and accurately describes how the republican party today has been held hostage by a radical right tea party faction.

On the other hand, Barone with his conservative ideology trys to compare President Obama with FDR, a democratic President who Barone and conservatives never did support.  Like conservatives in general today Barone can not comment about the daily events that are happening today as Dionne articulated.  He can not talk about the real issues facing the country at the moment so he finds any excuse to avoid the issues. 

Liberal journalists and the democratic party continue to be the best hope for America and its people because they believe they have a responsibility to face the issues and place those issues before the people.

This commentary written by John Lucia.

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