Monday, January 13, 2014

Bobby Jindal: Louisiana's Fairy Tale Governor.

Two articles appeared in the Times Picayune of 1/12/14 that high lite what this writer has reported on several times in the past concerning Jindal's phony conservative ideology.  The first article in the TP by staff writer Julia O'Donoghue was the "tax amnesty" that ran from Sept. 23 thru Nov. 23 that allowed delinquent tax payers to pay their back taxes with out penalty.  Jindal and the legislature put the program in place to raise money quickly to plug a $200 million short fall in the current state budget.  (Note:  Jindal and the legislature told the people the budget was in balance last year after the legislature session was over.)

According to the article the amnesty brought in $448 million, 90% of which came from corporations and businesses paying their delinquent taxes to the state.  About $270 million came from just 36 tax payers who owed more than $1million each to the state, so said Greg Albrecht, chief economist for the state.  It is easy to see that it is not the average tax payers who skip out on paying his taxes, it is corporations and businesses who recieve much of the tax breaks and benefits from the state who skip out and do not have to pay a penalty because of amnesty.  As I have written many times here in PolitiDose, republicans get into the pockets of the average person 100 different ways.  Why does the Jindal administration not have a system for going after delinquent corporate and business tax obligations?  Its called campaign contributions and corporate welfare.  The average tax payer in Louisiana has no chance.

The second TP article by staff writer LAuren McGaughy concerned Bobby Jindal in Austin, Texas supporting a group of conservative policy makers who are calling for a national convention to add a balanced budget ammendent to the U.S. Constitution.  Republicans can talk the talk but can not walk the talk.  No republican President has balanced the federal budget since Dwight Eisenhower in 1960.  Not even when their party controlled the White House and both houses of congress.  Bobby Jindal is the biggest hypocrite on the matter as he served in the U.S. House when G.W. Bush was President and both houses of congress were controlled by the republican party. And what did they do with that power?  Well, actually, they turned President Clinton's record balanced budgets and surpluses into deficit spending in Bush's very first fiscal year and never balanced one federal budget in Bush's 8 years in office.

Jindal took office in Louisiana with a $1billion surplus from Democratic Governor Blanco, blew the surplus and followed in Bush's footsteps.  He has not balanced one Louisiana state budget since he has been governor and I have written past commentary pointing out how he and his administration has played the budget con game with the republican controlled legislature.

The real conservative ideology as practiced by today's republican leaders is unAmerican in nature and is devised to bankrupt the state and federal governments revenue system in order to kill all so called social programs including Social Security and Medicare, the two most successful programs for America and its people.    I wrote a four part commentary in Politidose titled Which Party Serves The Country Best on the federal level.  That commentary would be of value today concerning the State level.

There are really no real conservative republicans in leadership roles today for the party.  They are radicals who are not serious about public service.  Their sole interest is to dismantle government.  The past is still the key to the future and under Jindal's governorship the future is like the past when he served in the U.S. congress.  The republican party may be the dominate party in Louisiana today, but it will be a future Democratic administration that will lead Louisiana in advancing the quality of life for all and the economic growth necessary to sustain that progress.

This commentary written by John Lucia 

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