Saturday, May 31, 2014

Another First For "PolitiDose"

Louisiana state legislator Karen Carter Peterson in an editorial in the New Orleans Advocate of 5/30/14 has confirmed what has been written here in "PolitiDose" for the last few years concerning Bobby Jindal and his administration.

Peterson points out that Jindal inherited a $866 million surplus when he took office in 2008 from outgoing democratic governor Blanco and that Jindal has delivered one fiscally irresponsible budget after another prompting mid year budget cuts to health care and higher education.  That from 2008 to 2014, Louisiana slashed per pupil funding by more than $5000 which was more than any other state.  That resulted into higher tuition or a student tax hike for Louisiana families.  That describes just one of the 100 different ways mentioned in "PolitiDose" how Jindal and republicans get into the pockets of the average citizen after promising no new taxes.

Jindal's budgets are described as shenanigans which relates to this writers description as budget gimmicks.  Also, in a letter to the editors of the Times Picayune dated 5/30/14 the letter writer pointed out how Louisiana's legislature failed over the years to deal with the environment damage caused by the oil industry which forced the legal move by the Levee Board.  And if that too sounds familiar also, it is because you read it hear first in "PolitiDose", your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by John Lucia

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