Sunday, May 4, 2014

Economic Recovery, Job Creation and Lower Unemployment Continue Under The Obama Administration

The U.S. Labor Department announced that the economy created 288,000 jobs in April and the unemployment rate fell to 6.3% from the previous months 6.7%.  April was the 50th straight month of positive job creation.  Unfortunately the congressional republicans continue to sit on the sidelines, spout their negative talking points and refuse to lift a finger to work with the President to produce a better economy.

Once again it is a democratic administration that is moving the country forward with policies that are also reducing deficit spending and slowing down the increase in the national debt that republican administrations are famous for triple digit increases.  Federal spending is also under control with far less increase in federal spending than any republican administration in the last 40 years.  And yes, that includes the Reagan administration.  (See my previous commentary dated 10/31/09 titled:  Federal Spending:  Facts vs. Myth).

The latest reports tell us that Corporate America is sitting on $2 trillion plus cash, that is more than half of the federal budget.  The next step for the economy is to increase the earnings of the average workers who have seen their wages stand still since the Clinton years.  We know trickle down economics favor Corporate America and the wealthy and do not create jobs or build a better economy.  Just ask President George W. Bush.  Clinton's policies were just the opposite and created the greatest economy of the 20th century.  More jobs were created in Clinton's 8 years in office than were created in the Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 administrations in the 20 years they served.  (see my past commentary dated 12/14/09 titled:  An economic turnaround, job creation and fiscal stability:  There is a precedent.)

And yes, once again if the republican controlled U.S. House had passed the President's jobs bill they have been sitting on for over two years, the nation would be at full employment now.  This writer can not remember any democratic leaders in congress that vowed not to lift a finger to help a republican administration or who vowed to obstruct to make a republican President a one term President and I have been around since the Franklin Roosevelt era. 

Two republican candidates ran against Obama in the 2008 (McCain) and 2012 (Romney) general election and both had their chance to make their case but the voters choose Obama both times.  It is past time for the republican party in congress to allow the President to implement his agenda.  Common sense should dictate that if a President's agenda is blocked he can not be honestly blamed if things go astray, although that is used in the political con game. 

The democratic party like the republican party are beholden to special interest groups, but democrats do work for and produce policies that advanced the country and its people, especially the average American that produce a better America, a better economy and better quality of life and a better chance for providing for their families.  Yes, it can be backed up with facts.  Democratic administrations do perform better for the benefit of the country and its people.  And that story has been told here first in "PolitiDose" your daily dose of political commentary.

Also see my commentary titled:  Job Creation for Presidential Terms:  1929-2008 dated 11/5/10

This commentary written by John Lucia.

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