Thursday, May 8, 2014

The U.S. Senate Should Not Take Up And Vote On The Keystone XL Pipeline

Reports out of Washington say the U.S. Senate could vote on approving the above pipeline soon in order to by pass President Obama and the process.  U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu says the democrats need 15 votes to avoid a fillibuster and that so far they have 10 votes.  If the bill does come up and passes, that means the minority party in the Senate (republicans) would supply the majority vote. 

This writer thinks the senate idea is a bad one and that the process should play out.  The senate vote if approved would only affect one phase of the pipeline and then have to wait on the Nebraska Supreme Court to rule on that portion of the line that runs through that state that the people have protested.  Those officials in the senate who have become the spokeperson for the Oil and Gas Industry and who receive campaign contributions from them have put the dollar above America's best interest.

Let Canada and the Oil companies make the case for themselves.  They can not tell congress how much of that oil will stay in America and or how much will be exported.  They also have not told the real story why they want to build the pipe line.

Make no mistake, this pipeline if built will not make America less dependent on foreign oil and very few permanent jobs will be created.  Ameican soil should be used for creating long lasting jobs and to contribute to the well being of the country.  President Obama still holds the veto pen and hopefully he will use it if he has to prior to the Nebraska Supreme Court ruling. 

This commentary written by John Lucia.

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