Saturday, June 14, 2014

The Algiers-Canal Street Ferry Resumes Extended Hours

In a meeting with the Algiers Point Association, Justin Augustine, VP of Veolie Transportation announced the Algiers-Canal street ferry hours of operations would be extended from 6am to 10pm Monday thru Friday beginning July 1.  Justin also noted state senator David Heitmeier and city councilwoman Nadine Ramsey secured the funding for the next two years of operation.

This writers recent commentary on the subject  matter pointed out that funding should have been in place when the tolls were removed from the bridge so there would be no interrupted hours of the ferry service.  The people of Algiers suffered thru that reduced service for almost one full year.  Many thanks to Mr. Heitmeier and Ms. Ramsey for securing the needed funds.

Justin Augustine also said they will be working to extend weekend hours in the future for ferry services and will work for improved service as well as new ferry boats.  He also said the company is committed to the service of the Algiers-Canal street ferry system.  The extended hours is great news for the people of Algiers, especially those who use the ferry in their daily lives.  Lets hope it is just the first step in a viable transportation system for pedestrians that fits into the life styles of the people who have used the service since 1827.

This commentary written by John Lucia. 

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