Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Another First For "PolitiDose."

The Huffington Post carried a story on 8/19/14 concerning Senator John McCain and how he has been wrong about almost every thing but is still giving voice by the major news media on a regular basis.  And if that sounds familiar its because you read it hear first in "PolitiDose" Your daily dose of political commentary.

This writer has taken it a step farther in past commentary and pointed out that the news media, especially the Sunday talk shows interviews the same 8 or 9 members of congress over and over and the people are fed only their views.  Yet there are over 400 members of congress and the people are never exposed to the views of the many.  John McCain and Lindsey Graham are the favorite of the news media and Graham has been wrong just as much as McCain.

MSNBC and CNN have interviewed other members of congress a few times (not nearly enough) and they always make more sense than McCain or Graham and the usual regulars.  The people need to hear those other voices.  Is there any wonder why the people are ill informed?

What is it the news media does not understand about its own business?  Their mission statement is to "inform the people."  Is that too difficult to understand?  They failed to learn their lesson during the run up to war with Iraq when they bought Bush's WMD fairy tale and then tried to down play those voices who disagreed.  Is it any wonder we now have a social media, thanks to the internet, that spreads falsehoods even in important issues facing the country.

Like congress, the news media lacks "serious" journalists who understand the value of informing the public and why our forebearers had the wisdom to protect a free news media.  They have also failed to learn that the key to a better future is understanding the mistakes of the past.

This commentary written by John Lucia

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