Sunday, August 3, 2014

Israel, Palestine And Hamas: Will This War Be Any Different?

The present war between the three is a repeat of the past, attacks and retallation from all sides and the placing of blame on each other.  It is a rerun with no end in sight because their wars have never produced a political settlement that all party's could live with and in peace with defined boundaries.

The fact that Israel can and does use its military might with impunity and has not brought Palestine or Hamas to the peace table leads one to believe a political settlement is the best and only option.  Everyone knows that but has to be reminded.  There are so many innocent men, woman and children being killed in their wars one would think that alone is a battle cry to come to the peace table and resolve never to let that happen again. 

President Obama needs to rethink the United States relationship with Israel and Palestine.  It should not stay on the same track it is on now.  The leaders of Israel and Palestine can not be trusted and both are capable of drawing our country into a conflict of their own making.  One thing is for sure, America should never again send our troops over there as peacekeepers and should for ever remember the Marines that were killed in Beirut in 1983 in a massive truck bombing.  241 Marines died that day.

This writer has written several commentaries in the past concerning both the subject matter and how learning from the mistakes of the past is still the key to a better future but the party's in the bible lands have yet to learn.  The mentality of those who use innocent civilians as human shields and those who believe there is no distinction both wear black hats.  Leaders are expected to have moral courage even during war.  Is there any wonder why there has been no political settlement?

President Kennedy always thought about the innocent children who paid the ultimate price in war and who never had a say in the matter.  Too bad there are so few leaders today who feel the same way.  President Obama needs to speak out against the lack of commitment from both sides to take the first step necessary for peace.  It should not be business as usual and the extension of the status quo.

This commentary written by John Lucia 

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