Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Columnist E.J. Dionne: A Journalist For All America

The Times Picayune of 9/15/14 carried an editorial by journalist Dionne titled, "Debate on Obama's ISIL Strategy Should Come After Midterms" was a refreshing and well thought out commentary concerning the subject matter.  Dionne is well aware of our political past and the facts he writes about.  It is a much welcomed relief from the rantings of Cal Thomas, George Will, Charles Krauthammer and local conservative  journalists who's commentary are always placing blame laced with personal attacks and always critical of President Obama and or his positions.

Dionne has understanding how our political system works best, especially during war times.  He remembers a time when our elected officials were civil in their debates and deliberations and when the interest of the nation was first and foremost in addressing problems.  His editorial is all about that and his judgement about the political decisions that have to be made by congress concerning the ISIL matter.  Personal attacks, ideology and blame are no where to be found in Dionne's editorial.

Mr. Dionne is a serious journalist who brings needed stability to the news media in troubled times and his readers receive the benefit of his positive and progressive editorials.  Too bad we have so few journalists who can express their views in a civil tone on the real issues facing the nation and its people.  And too bad the Times Picayune does not carry more of Dionne's work.

This commentary written by John Lucia

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