Thursday, October 2, 2014

Why This Writer Will Vote For Mary Landrieu In Her Bid For Reelection To The U.S. Senate

Readers of PolitiDose know I have written commentary in opposition to Senator Landrieu's position on a few issues, however her over all voting record has been good for Louisiana and the Country.  She articulates what she believes in, explains her position on the issues and as a result the voters know where she stands on the issues.

Landrieu's major opponent is republican Bill Cassidy who represents Louisiana in the U.S. House of Representatives.  He and the republican controlled U.S. House has backed John Boehner's call to do nothing that would help the Obama administration move the country and the people forward after the second great republican depression of 2008.

Landrieu voted for the ACA that was passed when the democrats controlled both houses of congress.  She also voted for measures to create jobs and supported the President's position of reducing the federal deficit, some thing Cassidy and his party have failed to do.  Landrieu supports raising the minimum wage, Cassidy is opposed to the measure.  Cassidy and his party voted over 50 times to kill the ACA that now insures over 7 million people and millions more under the medicaid expansion of the ACA.  Cassidy also voted against the original legislation that created the ACA.

Cassidy is also a doctor and is a special interest elected official to the medical profession, the Insurance Industry and the Pharma industry.  As an elected official he has not and will not, along with his party introduce or pass any legislation that would bring health care cost down.  Landrieu has a record of working accross party lines and working with republican Presidents.  Cassidy has no such record and refuses to work with the President. 

Landrieu voted to keep the government open.  Cassidy voted to shut the government down.  Landrieu believes in supporting the President who was elected twice by the majority of the people.  Cassidy and his party believe when elections do not turn out their way, they should obstruct.  An attitude the greatest generation would never have tolerated.  Landrieu does not tow the party line on all issues, Cassidy is part of the ditto head mentality of his party who tows the party line no matter what. 

I think Louisiana and the country would be better served by a Senator that articulates her position and is not afraid to let the people know what she stands for.  I believe Mary Landrieu represents a "serious elected official".  She is a fighter who is willing to engage Cassidy in a debate and since she is a person of substance, she will do well against Cassidy's hollow ideology.

Senator Landrieu's voting record is not perfect but it is far better than Cassidy's on those issues that really matter and make a difference for the country and its people.  The country needs to retain "serious elected officials" like Mary Landrieu and I will cast my vote to reelect the Senator from Louisiana. 

Note:  There will be a follow up commentary on representative Cassidy's vote to shut the federal government down.

This commentary written by John Lucia.

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