Saturday, April 4, 2015

Religious Freedom: This Writer Has Always Possessed That Freedom

Our forebearers who produced what we now call The United States of America had the wisdom to guarantee its people the separation of church and state.  That wisdom has escaped many of our elected officials today who use religion to divide both our country and its people.

This writer has always had and will always have the Freedom of Religion:  To pray any time of the day or night at any place because most prayer are done silently, even in church except when the congregation prays together:   To respect other people's religion:  To attend church services as I deem necessary.  To respect the people's right to choose how they live:  To respect Christians and non Christians, after all Christianity is only 2000 years old, makkind is much older.  

I have the Freedom of Religion:  To make my own judgements concerning those who feel they have the right to impose their moral code on some one else:  To reject those who use freedom of religion as an excuse to discriminate:  To understand how the misuse of freedom of religion is used in the middle east to kill innocent men, women and children in the name of God and I totally reject that:  To understand that freedom of religion is personal between an individual and his God.  

I also have the Freedom of Religion:  To possess freedom of thought:  To understand the answer to every problem is not found in religion:  I also have the Freedom of Religion to be humble and compassionate, after all, that is what makes Freedom of Religion work.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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