Thursday, May 14, 2015

Health Care And The Expansion Of Medicaid In Louisiana: Another Reason To Elect Democratic Candidate John Bel Edwards As Governor

The Louisiana House of Representatives voted and passed a resolution that would open the possibility for medicaid expansion next year after the new governor takes office.  That according to a New Orleans Advocate article by Marsha Shuler dated 5/14/15.  The three republican candidates for governor, Scott Angelle, Jay Dardenne and David Vitter's position has been an expressed interest in exploring the state's options but have made no commitment.

Democratic state representative John Bel Edwards has been a consistent expansion vote and pushed for medicaid expansion this year saying it does not make sense to wait.  Edwards sponsored two bills that would allow medicaid expansion, HB-517, a constitutional amendment. ( Can't be vetoed)  And HCR-3, a resolution to expand medicaid.  (Can't be vetoed)  Per Times Picayune article of 4/22/15

The republican controlled state legislature has refused to consider the medicid expansion for the last three years in support of Jindal's position.  The republican's position to punt the matter to the next governor exposes their lack of political will to address the current budget problems of the state and will make balancing future budgets that more difficult.

The Affordable Care Act is working and so is the medicaid expansion part adopted by both democratic and republican governors for the uninsured in their states.  Representative Edwards understands that the expansion of medicaid would help reduce the number of uninsured in Louisiana, would help control the state's health care cost and would also create jobs as previously reported.

The three republican gubernatorial candidates are afraid to take a stand one way or the other on the medicaid expansion even though they and the issue has been around long enough for them to make up their mind.  The republican ideology that has been running the state has failed and another republican governor and state legislature will follow the same failed ideology.

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Edwards has the political understanding and courage to do what is right and necessary to move Louisiana and its people forward with policies that address the many issues that have been neglected.  Precedent is also on his side as the state and its people have always had its best years under democratic administrations, especially the average worker.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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