Thursday, June 18, 2015

Journalist Kathleen Parker's Latest Editorial Opinion.

It appeared in the Times Picayune of 6/17/15 titled, "Covering The Bushes Feels Like Second Nature."  This writer could tell from the start how her commentary would end.  And sure enough, after praising Bush 41 and Bush 43 and saying she never met Jeb Bush, she is all in with him.

Kathleen's writings match those of the ditto head conservative journalists.  She called Clinton's years as President a national trauma and that mothers like her were forced to shield their children from the President's deeds.  She left out the misdeeds of Newt Gingrich and several other conservative republicans whose family values took a hit at the same time.  She also skips over the fact that President Clinton left office with the highest approval rating of any President in the last 50 years.  

The last two paragraphs of her editorial gets to the point.  She thinks Jeb Bush is eloquent, thoughtful, fluent in policy, plainspoken and accessible.  It must have slipped Kathleen's mind that Jeb Bush could not understand a question about Iraq and immigration just recently.  She then goes on to say Jeb answered the "Bush Dynasty" question by saying the Presidency shouldn't be passed from one liberal to the next and thinks that was a classy answer.  Ronald Reagan passed the conservative torch to another conservative by the name of George H.W. Bush who was defeated four years later by President Bill Clinton because the people realized America could do better and American did so along with its people.

In talking about the three Bushes in her article Kathleen could not articulate any accomplishments that took place on their watch.  Of course that is why you will not hear any republican Presidential candidate talk about them either.  What really bothers her and her conservative friends if another democrat is elected in 2016 is that the torch will be passed to another President who will pursue an "American Agenda" instead of a "Conservative Ideology" that has failed time after time.  And that really says it all.

Note:  Jeb Bush said that Governors make better Presidents than Senators.  Does any one really believe President George W. Bush was a better President than John F. Kennedy or Lyndon B. Johnson?  No wonder Kathleen stayed away from that one in her opinion editorial.  

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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