Friday, October 16, 2015

The Democratic Presidential Debate

A record 15 plus million people watched the debate we are told, a record for a democratic Presidential debate.  And the winners were the democratic candidates, CNN and most important, the people.  It was a Presidential debate of the issues and not the side show of division, personal attacks and racial remarks that were on display during the first two republican debates.

The five democratic candidates gave a good account of themselves on the issues with answers that explained their positions.  It was a civil debate even when the candidates disagreed with their opponent.  There were many smiles, humor and the candidates were relaxed.  The moderator did a good job over all to cover the issues and stayed away from the standard questions of abortion and other divisive issues.

The democratic candidates helped keep the moderator on the important issues when he strayed and tried to raise the question concerning Hillary's emails and Bernie Sanders reminded every one there were more important issues to discuss than the "damm emails."  The other candidates supported that and never brought up the emails much to their credit.

This writer believes Clinton, Sanders and O'Malley performed the best and that all five are a credit and asset to the democratic party with their positive messages on the issues and the civility afforded the debate.  Those who wanted to see Hillary fail will have to rethink their positions.  This writer mentioned in a commentary a few weeks ago the debate would be about issues and it turned out that way.  I am happy those predictions came true for the breath of fresh air provided by the candidates will likely result in more people watching the next debate and their campaign and that will be a positive for democracy.

Note:  Did any one notice Hillary said at the debate that the economy always does better on democratic administrations?  Well the readers of "PolitiDose" have been reading that here for the last seven years.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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