Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The Fourth Republican Presidential Debate

The republicans Presidential debate Tuesday night saw less candidates on the stage and three new moderators but no new questions of any significance.  Fox business news sponsored the debate but this writer has never been impressed with Fox's business judgement.

The news media said Jeb Bush redeemed himself after his last debate performance.  He has been their favorite since the beginning.  In my judgement Ohio Governor John Kasich won the debate because his answers were of substance.  His opponents position on the economy, tax cuts, jobs and the national debt are the same as President George W. Bush and America knows where that led too.

Kasich pointed out during the debate what he has said from day one, his opponents tax plans are nonsense and you can not deport 11 million immigrants in a humane manner.  He also did more than just hold his own on foreign policy in the middle east.  His opponents would basically revert to President Bush's middle east policies.  The moderators threw candy to the republicans when they asked how they would create jobs and reduce the national debt.  Of course they received no answer on the subject because the republican party's record on those two issues has been a disaster.

The moderators also wasted time on the immigration issue as the republican party will not take up the issue in congress until after the 2016 election.  Does any one really believe that what the candidates are saying today will be the same after the election?  Besides they are only talking about only one part of immigration.

All 8 candidates said they would not raise the minimum wage to $15 hour and indicated that would cost the economy jobs.  There are no stats to back that up and is one of many fairy tales of the republican party in general and conservatives in particular.  This writer had a good laugh when Rand Paul told Rubio he was not conservative enough.  These guys just can not stand to be Americans first.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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