Thursday, December 17, 2015

The State Of Louisiana: What Will The New Year Bring Politically

The wisdom to learn from the mistakes of the past for a better future for Louisiana and its people or a repeat of past mistakes.  A triple history will take place in January and play out for the next four years.  A new year will begin in 2016, Bobby Jindal will be leaving office and democrat John Bel Edwards will become Louisiana's next governor.  Six thousand years ago the worlds very first civilization, that of the Sumerians said they were taught that the key to a better future was to understanding the mistakes of the past.

Will Louisiana under the new leadership of governor Edwards follow that wisdom that was written down so long ago?  This writer believes Edwards will and has started off well with his first appointments.  The appointment of a republican to lead the Administration shows Edwards will keep his word and will not govern by dividing people.  Having served in the state legislature, Edwards should be well aware of the past mistakes made in the last 8 years and Louisiana's future should not look like the past.

The new governor will be looking at some tough decisions.  Bringing order and change to the state's fiscal house will be huge.  Unemployment in the state is too high and not enough jobs are being created.  Past budget cuts to education and other needed services for the people will have to be addressed in a positive way.  Those issues can only be affected by sound policy that speak to the heart of the matter and not by ideology.  We have been there and done that with a conservative ideology and it did not work.

Those first policy decisions will be important because it will set the agenda for the next four years and beyond.  Most government problems are long term and require long term solutions.  Louisiana is at the bottom of the list or near the bottom of all 50 states in poverty, health care and many other issues that can not change over night.  But the right policy can put the state on a future path to positive change for the people and the quality of life.

Governor elect Edwards will be sworn into office at a critical time and the republican controlled legislature has to step up to the plate and work with his policy agenda to move the state and its people forward.  They gave that courtesy to Jindal and should have the character and courage to extend that courtesy to and work with governor Edwards.

And yes, understanding the past is still the key to a better future.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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