Sunday, January 3, 2016

America Enjoys Another Safe Holiday Season.

The American people turned out in force over the Christmas and New Years holidays and enjoyed another holiday season free from any terror attacks directed by a foreign country.  New York's officials said over a million people jammed Time Square on New Year's eve to ring in the new year.

Shopping malls all across America were full with shoppers and football stadiums were full to capacity to see the football bowl teams in action.  The American people turned off the scare tactics of the Fox News Network and the republican Presidential candidates who constantly reported the American people were living in fear of terror attacks.

Elmer Davis, one of Americas most respected journalist who also served his government during WWII said, THIS NATION WILL REMAIN THE LAND OF THE FREE ONLY SO LONG AS IT IS THE HOME OF THE BRAVE.  The Fox News Network and today's republican party and its candidates have no idea what the word BRAVE means.

The American people stood tall and shook off the scare tactics.  They are well aware of the terror problems but are not going to give in and surrender their freedom to terrorists and those who use scare tactics as a political tool.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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