Sunday, January 10, 2016

Louisiana State Senator John Alario Has Lost All Credibility Concerning The State Budget

Alario, senate leader in the Louisiana legislature should step down in favor of a democrat.  The present state budget that runs through June 30th was declared balanced by Alario, Jindal and the republican controlled legislature and now we find out is already out of balance by $750 million.  Now in a Times Picayune article by Julia O'Donoghue dated 1/8/16 Alario is recommending action be taken  by the new governor that Alario failed to recommend during Jindal's administration that created the budget problems in the first place.

Alario was a democrat who turned republican because he wanted the top senate job and that was the only way he would become leader of the senate.  In doing so he became Jindal's rubber stamp for his failed policies and the state's fiscal disaster.  Alario has ignored the state's real budget problems of revenue short fall and the billions given away to business concerning tax exemptions, tax give aways and tax favors.  "PolitiDose" was the first to break the real budget problem story several years ago concerning revenue short falls and tax give aways and now Alario claims to see the light.

Bobby Jindal, Alario and the republican controlled legislature have been getting in the pockets of Louisiana's middle class in 100 different ways under the guise of not raising taxes and cutting the budget.  Yes, a comparison can be made between the fiscal and economic mess George W. Bush left to Barack Obama and what Jindal and company is leaving to John Bel Edwards, the state and its people.  Alario should step aside, he had his chance and failed.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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