Thursday, April 28, 2016

Donald Trump, Former President George W. Bush, Conservatism and The Republican Party: What They All Have In Common.

Their common denominator happens to be so called "tough talk", division, extremism, trickle down economics, failed foreign and domestic policy, deficit spending and a lack of understanding the basic's of arithmetic.  As a result very few lasting accomplishments for the last three republican administrations.

That has set the stage for Donald Trump to be able to run over his republican opponents exposing their weakness and the party's failures.  Republican voters think they found a new kind of republican in Trump but behind the tough talk is a man who supported the republican party's failed policies of the past with rhetoric and campaign contributions.  Like republican elected officials in general, Trump likes to speak of doing things in the singular and as a result little policy is offered the people to look at.

If Trump wins his party's nomination which is likely, one can be sure his general strategy in the general election against the democratic nominee will be personal attacks of a nasty nature just as past republican campaigns have been.  Tough talk is a reflection on Trumps lack of character and knowledge and his inability to be articulate on the very issues that the country faces.

President George W. Bush could not articulate how Saddam and Iraq were a threat to the national security of the U. S. so the fairy tale story of WMD was created along with the planted seed that Saddam had a hand in the tragic attack on 9/11.  Trump is using the same kind of tough talk on the campaign trail to hide his lack of understanding in foreign affairs.  Extremism, division and trickle down economics will catch up to Trump in due time and the people will realize he represents the same republican party he loves to hate.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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