Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders Are Running A Credible and Sensible Presidential Campaign For The Country and The American People

What a difference when watching Clinton and Sanders campaign speeches compared to their opponent's party speeches.  With Clinton and Sanders talking about the issues that matter and make a difference it is like night and day.  The democratic candidates campaign on inclusion, something the Constitution and Bill of Rights stand for.  The message is to bring the country together and not tear it down.

Clinton and Sanders differ on several issues but they are small because both understand the problems and have real policy solutions.  Its not tough talk and shooting ones mouth off just to see where it splatters all over the news media.  They have a healthy respect for public service and the people's right to know where they stand on the issues.  They do not have to change their positions daily.

The republican party's presumptive Presidential nominee has been all over the landscape with his rhetoric and just in the past few days can not explain his tax plan because it is based on deception and different than the tax plan he laid out earlier in the campaign.  Its like his confused position on the minimum wage which he can not nail down.

Clinton and Sanders are a calming voice at a much needed time in the campaign with only six and a half months go go until the November elections.  This writer believes it is easy to identify the serious Presidential candidates, and they are both running for the democratic party's Presidential nomination.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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