Friday, July 22, 2016

Donald Trump Fails To Live Up To His Alleged Standards

Donald Trump claims to be (1) Worth $10 billion (2) A great business man (3) A decisive manager and (4) Not a politician or part of the establishment.  He has good looking children who seem to be well educated and has been married three times so should act like a grown man, one would think.

So why does Trump lack civility in almost every statement he makes?  He chooses by his own free will to follow the personal attack position of his party's elected officials even though he says he is not a politician or part of the establishment.  A contradiction that really identifies a character flaw and a lack of personal integrity.  It is a part of his negative thinking and actions that will not allow him to be positive.  Positive things that take place in the U.S. hurts his ego because it  is out of his control and can not take credit for it.

Why does a self proclaimed rich business man choose to be extreme, negative and on many occasions out right lie?  Free will, ones ability to choose is the greatest freedom  man has.  Yet, Trump with all his wealth finds it easier and chooses to offend people.  Trump's negative attitude has also affected his campaign staff with threats against Ohio governor John Kasich because he did not attend the republican convention.

Trump has not lived up to his own alleged standards and has displayed a free will choice behavior that does not live up to the standards of a Presidential nominee or the office of President of the United States.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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