Saturday, September 24, 2016

Congress Fails To Provide The Funds To Fight The Zika Virus

The republican controlled congress tried to debate a Zika funding bill with amendments concerning Planned Parenthood and other issues which President Obama said he would veto if passed and the democrats in congress would not let the bill advance.  A stand alone bill to fund Zika should be the priority of the republican controlled congress but once again they seek to attach amendments opposed by the President.  They can not even act on an issue that is an emergency.

And to top it off Louisiana's representatives in congress support the party's position like a bunch of ditto heads.  Mary Landrieu's leadership is missed in congress and it shows.  Steve Scalise is the republicans number three man in the U.S. House and is a major factor why there has been a lack of accomplishments since his party took control of congress almost 2 years ago.

Louisiana's lawmakers in congress can't even get that body to agree on the $2.6 billion package that Governor Edwards asked for the recent flood and that President Obama supported.  Bill Cassidy who defeated Mary Landrieu is lost in the Senate.  He will go with the republican flow of ideology at the expense of the state and its people.

The republican party's inability to draft a stand alone funding bill for Zika which the democrats will support and the President will sign, is a vivid example of how they continue to obstruct needed legislation.  And do not be surprised if they support another government shut down.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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