Thursday, September 8, 2016

Part III The 2016 Presidential Election: Donald Trump Emulating George W. Bush

The comparison can be made but it is not very flattering.  Like Bush, Trump has no political understanding of the economy, foreign affairs or the country, and its people paid the price big time and our veterans paid the ultimate price in an unnecessary war in Iraq over WMD that did not exist.  Trump also tries to talk tough like Bush, and fails the real test of being tough.  Their tax plans of trickle down economics lacks the understanding of arithmetic and in Bush's case reversed the economic progress made during the Clinton administration.  Trump's tax plan would do the same to the economic progress taking place in the Obama administration.  Trumps go it alone in foreign policy and shameful talk about our allies would once again trigger a larger American burden in world affairs and make the United States less secure.

Bush learned nothing from his political experience as governor of Texas because his family name won the election as governor.  He came to Washington lacking political understanding and conspired with Cheney and other neocons to rule like a king with no checks and balances.  Trump has that same attitude but he learned it from the business world where money can buy a lot of things and also destroy a lot of things.  Both Bush and Trump's background was business and business leaders are the worst at running government because the government can not be run like a business.  Business are only concerned with the bottom line and not people.  People are the government.  Business leaders sacrifice their employees every day in favor of their executives.  CEOs and executives earn between 300-400 times what the average worker makes and trickle down economics is a business paradise.

Bush left office as one of the worst Presidents in the nation's history after reversing all the good things Clinton accomplished for the country and its people.  His lack of political understanding and attitude domestically and in foreign affairs set the country back and some of the effects are still a burden to the people.  Now Trump would like to be President at a time the Obama administration has turned the country around for the better.  That must not happen because Trump would ape the Bush doctrine and repeat the same mistakes.

The country and its people can not afford that history to repeat itself.  A word to the wise should be sufficient.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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