Thursday, September 1, 2016

The City of New Orleans Continues To Move Forward Under Mayor Mitch Landrieu

Under the leadership of Mayor Landrieu New Orleans has made great progress in the short time he has served in office.  Landrieu was the first Mayor to declare and recognize that violent crime was the city's number one problem and did something about it on all fronts.  There is still work to do and Landrieu will not look the other way before he leaves office.  Because of the changes made and a realistic city budget process the next Mayor will have the opportunity to see a police force in numbers that is required for a city its size.

The city of New Orleans is the jewel of Louisiana's major cities.  The city's economy, construction, new developments, tourist trade and etc.  There has been major street repairs and the Task Force the Mayor established to set a long term program to repair and up grade the city's streets and infrastructure will soon be completed.  (some parts of the plan have already been completed)  The city has also settled the long standing Firemen's Union suit that began long before Landrieu took office and has cost the city millions of dollars.

Mitch Landrieu is a true and serious public servant who cares for the city and its people.  He knows how to get the job done, understands the issues and how long range planning is the key to solve problems.  It is a way to make sure today's problems do not get kicked down the road.

The theme of Landrieu's campaign when he ran for Mayor was: ONE TEAM, ONE FIGHT, ONE VOICE AND ONE CITY.  The Mayor has stayed loyal to that theme and has focused on those things that is making it come true.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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