Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The LSU - Miles Fiasco

The firing of Les Miles was way past due but who ever was part of the decision making process that extended Miles contract with raises performed just as bad as Miles.  Football fans recognized Miles short comings long ago and how that affected LSU's won-loss record and performance.  Yet, there has been two groups who should have known years ago of Miles short comings and were silent.

The first group, LSU's athletic director and any one else on his staff who was supposed to evaluate Miles performance failed big time in allowing the situation to continue and get worse.  The second group are sports writers who have been silent and only recently jumped on the band wagon of saying Miles had to go.  They just kept writing the usual stories about how LSU would compete for the national championship and etc, etc.

The idea of giving head coaches long term contracts with huge raises and buyouts have to end.  The school is the loser financially and other wise.  There are too many good young coaches out there who are more in tuned with the change taking place in football that renders long term contracts obsolete.

Miles should have been fired after the remach game with Alabama for the national championship because of LSU's sad performance and the way he handled the quarterback situation in that game.  Miles incompetence was so glaring.  But the powers that be at LSU were just as incompetent as Miles for allowing him to continue as head coach.

So now the search is on for a new head coach for the Tigers.  We will see what kind of contract the new coach will be offered.  Chances are the people at LSU who control that will have learned very little.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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