Friday, April 28, 2017

Make The Presidency Great Again

It is the most pressing issue at the moment because the country has a "Wolf" in the White House.  A predator who has cast aside a political tenet and the integrity of the office that make the Presidency above it all.  The Presidency, the most respected office in the land that represents a people and not special interests has been in jeopardy since January 20, 2017.

The Presidency, occupied by Donald Trump has aligned his office with his business enterprise.  So are his daughter and son in law who are appointed advisers but still maintain control of their business enterprise.  Trump and his family still entertain business people at his Mar-a-laga resort in Palm Beach, Fla. and will not make public the visitors log of those who have been entertained there.

Trump's collusion with Russia during the primary and his kid glove treatment of them as President needs answers and so does his refusal to take a stand about Russia's interference in America's Presidential election.  Trump is not just being Trump.  There is more to it than that because our country and its people are the ones being affected.  The predator in Trump thinks he can do as he pleases and congress needs to put an end to the flagrant disregard Trump has for the Presidency.

Trump continues to show his arrogance and disrespect for the Presidency and the people by refusing to make public his tax returns because it would reveal his conflicts of interest which he is covering up.  Past Presidential candidates and Presidents made their tax returns public because they believed the people had a right to know their financial matter and believed the Presidency is not a place to enhance themselves or their business financially.  It is a place to take care of the people's business.

Contrary to his trumped up slogan, "make America great again" congress needs to make the Presidency great again.  They have the authority and power to do so.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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