Thursday, June 29, 2017

LSU and Florida At The College World Series Championship

LSU and Florida, co-champions of the SEC met in Omaha for the final show down and the Gators swept the Tigers in two games to win their first ever national championship in baseball.  The number 3 ranked Gators allowed the number 4 ranked Tigers only four runs in the two games and Florida's pitcher Singer struck out a record 12 Tigers in the first game.  Florida was a team that was well coached with a talented pitching staff and deserving of the win.

LSU finished its season with improvement over the last few years and advanced in the CWS to the highest place since 2009 when they won the championship.  But this writer believes the season ended on a sad note because of the coaches and some players failure to execute the basics of the game.  And the fact that LSU did not even use one of their top pitchers, Lange in the championship series make no sense.

Three of the eight teams that reached the CWS were from the SEC, LSU, Florida and Texas A&M.  And the SEC continues to be one of the top conference in the nation.  And yes, this CWS displayed the fact that Baseball IS still a game of inches.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

The U.S. Senate Delays Vote On Health Care Bill

Republican Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell cancelled Thursday's vote on the Senate health care plan until after the July recess.  McConnell did not have the votes to pass the plan from his own party who did not know the plans contents or its effect on health care until the CBO released its devastating report.  Only a hand full of republican senators knew what the plan contained because it was done in secret with out any debate or outreach.

The CBO report said the plan would leave 22 million Americans with out insurance, one million less than the recently passed House plan and 15 million fewer people would be covered in the next year alone.  The plan would also cut $772 billion from medicaid and premiums would increase.  CBO also reported the plan would help insurance companies, business and the wealthy the most with major tax breaks.

The $772 billion cut to medicaid would go beyond the medicaid expansion of the ACA and would be devastating.  Medicaid also covers adults with disabilities, residents in nursery homes, children with disabilities, births, only to name a few.  It touches all walks of life in need.  The states would have to pick up the difference in any medicaid cuts and they will not do that because they would have to raise taxes and governors promised not to raise taxes.  That is the reason many governors, including republicans accepted and are enjoying the benefits to their people and state of the medicaid expansion under the ACA.  Republican governor John Kasich said it best when he said his state does not have the financial resources to pick up any cuts in medicaid to his state.  In fact he used the word LAUGHABLE that republicans in congress thinks the states have the financial means to pick up those cuts.

The CBO report confirms what President Obama said earlier that the republicans have no health plan, only a plan to reward insurance companies and the wealthy.  What is happening with the Senate plan is more evidence of the republican BIG LIE for the past seven years that they had a workable plan to repeal and replace the ACA.  And of course the greatest LIE was Trump's support for the House passed health care plan that he and house members celebrated after it was passed which Trump now says was mean.  Yeah, after the fact and only after it was in trouble.

The senate will probably pass their bill after adjustments to satisfy their various factions because they want to destroy any thing connected to President Obama.  They know the ACA is working and will not crash and burn or implode like the bill  of goods Trump is trying to sell.  They also know their plan is a fraud and a scheme and the party has no interest in health care reform.  Seven years of republican LIES have identified what the republican party is all about.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Politically Correct or Incorrect

Those words mean different things to different people and were tossed around during the 2016 Presidential election especially by Trump, his supporters and the news media.  Trump did not speak correct politically and his supporters loved it and the news media accepted it.  The trio tried to sell political correctness as out of style and out of touch with the people.

The problem being out right lies and fake news was substituted for speaking politically correct by Trump and carried over to his administration which now corrupts the political system and the Presidency itself.  Trump would like nothing better than to convince America and its elected officials that politicians should not speak correctly.  That would validate his lies and fake news which he would love.  His actions as President after more than five months in office shows he has no intentions of speaking politically correct.

Conservative opinion writers have joined Trump in his "fake news and politically incorrect talk" with their commentary and even use many of Trump's same words, especially when it comes to the ACA, the Russia-Trump link and the James Comey matter.  Some like conservative writer David Brooks in a recent column who tried to down play the Russia-Trump link and instead went off the deep end concerning Whitwater (Clinton years) that produced nothing but egg on the republicans face.

The greatest American Presidents spoke "politically correct" and that is why they were successful and enjoy a place of honor in the record we call HISTORY.  President Trump will never achieve that distinction because he is a President who has tainted the White House using a planned policy of "political incorrectness" and fake news." (In other words, lies)  The President has under minded every thing good about America and the highest office in the land.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Friday, June 23, 2017

The U.S. Has An Unstable President In The White House

Five months in office and once again Donald Trump displayed he is not qualified to lead the nation or accept the responsibility that go along with the Presidency.  After trying to intimidate fired FBI director James Comey with taunt "he might have taped his conversation with Comey" Trump admitted Thursday in a tweet no tapes existed.

Trump's tweet define the actions of an unstable person who has to strike back at any one and which is of a nature that is a disgrace to the office of the President.  It is a repeated behavior problem of Trump in trying to discredit other people.  Sarah Sanders, deputy press secretary, in an answer to a question by the press concerning Trump's tweet, said Trump made the statement that they may be tapes in order to impugn Comey.   It is no wonder Comey was wise enough and felt he had to make notes of his meetings with Trump.

PolitiDose called the shot in a commentary dated 6/12 titled, Another Trump Temperament Flaw Exposed by The President Himself, in pointing out that Trump made the tape comment after he fired Comey to intimidate him.  Trump's deputy press secretary confirmed that in her remarks.  The U.S. does not have a Presidential leader.  An Autocrat is in the White House who thinks only of himself and his business interest and looks upon government and the democratic process as business tools to toss around and corrupt.  And make no mistake it will not be the last time Trump tries to use his office to intimidate some one.

And to top it off there is no end in sight unless the courts and congress step in to end this sad chapter in U.S. History.  Fifty four percent of the voting public in the 2016 Presidential election voted against Donald Trump.  They were able to see that Trump was unstable, a liar and a individual without character who lacked the qualifications to be President.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Civility Is Back In The News

And like gun control, it pops up only when violence seems to come into play.  So now civility is in the news again because of the shooting of Louisiana representative Steve Scalise and 4 others just last week.  But little attention was paid to the 4 people killed in California that same day.  A tragedy connected to an elected official seems to have a priority over the tragedy of death.

However, PolitiDose has been in the forefront on talking about the loss of civility in our political system for a number of years at a time when violence was not a factor.  In fact, the present uncivil behavior in our politics can be traced to the republican era of Newt Gingrich, the man who became speaker of the U.S. House and adopted a republican system of un-American conservative ideology  of personal attacks against the democratic party and government itself.  His brand of conservatism was and still is one of elitism where the only thoughts and positions that matter or are worthwhile are conservative ones.

Today's republican party has taken that ideology to the extreme that extends to the republican controlled congress and President Trump.  The news media, radio, TV and printed and a voting bloc even bought into and supported the uncivil ideology of the republican party in our political system.

Those who now say our politics should be civil were silent when republicans in congress called President Clinton scum, when the republicans said they would not do a thing to help President Obama after he was elected President or when the republicans and Trump said Obama was not born in the U.S and that Putin was a better leader, or when Trump ran the most uncivil and divisive Presidential campaign, or when the republicans was so uncivil in their comments about the ACA even to the point of saying it contained death panels.  They even accept Trump's uncivil behavior as President.

Conservatism that has been practiced by the republican party since the Gingrich era is an un-American ideology which was also the subject of several political commentary in PolitiDose.  The anti-Kennedy posters put out in public display on that fateful day in Dallas, one that read, Wanted for Treason, was traced to a conservative group as reported by the Dallas police department.  Civility will never return to republican politics as long as they continue to practice and preach a conservative ideology that is un-American, uncivil and extreme.

President Trump is not only the most uncivil President the people can remember, he is a President who has governed with lies.  The elitism that republicans preach will not change until the voters change so do not look for civility to return to our political system because of violence.  And never forget, it was Donald Trump who said he could go out and shoot some one and his supporters would not care.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Tragedy: The War In Afghanistan and Iraq.

In October, the war in Afghanistan will be 16 years and counting.  It started when President
George W. Bush sent U.S. forces there to bring Bin Laden to justice after his attack on America on 9/11/01.  The war was also for the stated purpose of destroying the Taliban who allowed training camps to be set up in their country to train terrorists.  The war did not bring Bin Laden to justice or destroy the Taliban.

And now, almost 16 years later, reports are circulating that President Trump will send approximately 4000 more U.S. Troops to that country to try and bring that same Taliban under control who controls more territory once again and are a threat to the Afghan government and U. S. troops.  And in fact in the last two months 5 U.S. Troops have been killed and 7 wounded.

It is a war with no limits and factions among the Afghan people who have yet to find a way to govern themselves. Ten years of war and Russian occupation and soon to be 16 years of U.S. occupation and war has not solved the problem.  So now a U.S. troop surge of 4000 troops is supposed to bring the country together.  We have been there and done that and the results never seem to match the promises.

In March of this year the Iraq war hit its 14 year and still counting.  It was a war and occupation over WMD that did not exist and ordered by President George W. Bush.  It was a war of lies including the statement that Saddam was a threat to the national security of the U.S. and that our troops would be welcomed as liberators.  It was a war with terrible consequence to our men and women in uniform and America's intelligence community for being used by the President and Vice President for the purpose to remake the middle east.

Because the stated purpose was a lie and failure, Iraq was destabilized.  That opened the country and its doors for Al Queda in Iraq to enter, kill a lot of Americans and then expanded to ISIS and other terror groups never heard of before.  ISIS took it to the most extreme level and spread their terror all through the middle east and beyond.  Almost every country in the middle east is fighting terrorists or some forces within their own country.  The civil war in Syria is still raging and could blow up any minute in a full scale war.  And our U.S. troops are smack in the middle and still there.  Good thing President Obama had the wisdom to move most of our troops out of harms way.  But those that are still there still can not always define the enemy.  Some of the latest troops death came at the hands of some Afghan government troops that were trained by our men and women in uniform.

After 14 and 16 years it is late, but it is time for congress to step in and show leadership.  War is the is the responsibility of congress not just the President.  Our men and women in uniform have paid the price for too long and congress and the President need to decide and identify the real threat to our country's national security.  Tough talk has had no effect on solving the problems in Iraq  or Afghanistan or ending the occupation.  Leadership, responsibility and wisdom are in need now more than ever before.  The most powerful military and economic country in the world needs to change its thinking.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, June 18, 2017

The State of Louisiana Finally Has A Budget For Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2017

The republican controlled state legislature finally passed a budget during the special session called by governor John Bel Edwards.  In fact the budget that passed was almost a duplicate that the House failed to pass in the regular session.  This time the House passed the senate's budget with little changes.  As a result the budget that passed was in tune with what the governor, the House democrats and the senate was pushing.

The budget could have passed the regular session if handled properly but the leader of the House would not take up a proposal to pass the senate budget and then closed the regular session.  The down side of both sessions was the legislature's failure to address tax reform and other tax matters.  It also failed to address the $1.2 billion projected budget deficit for fiscal year starting 7/1/18 because of expiring taxes that will take place next year  That is a huge problem to over come without tax reform and a workable increase in state revenues.

There is also the question of the budget just passed by the legislature.  Will they have to come back 6 months from now like they have done for the past 8 years and say the budget is out of balance.  Or will this be the state budget that puts our fiscal house on the right path to fiscal responsibility.

The budget process still remains flawed because the republican leadership in both houses are not good at governing and that applies also to their party.  And until they commit to a tax reform where everyone pays their fair share of all taxes, Louisiana's fiscal problems will only become worse.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Gun Violence and Other Threats: The Phoniness of So Called Tough Talk

According to the Huffington Post, Gun Violence Archive who tracks mass shootings across the country (described as 4 or more people killed or injured by guns) reported that 154 mass shootings has taken place since the first of the year thru June 14.  That includes the 5 shootings in Virginia at a baseball field and 4 killed at a UPS station in California.  During the same period last year 142 such mass shootings were recorded.

The increase took place even though Donald Trump as President and Presidential candidate said that would all stop when he became President.  Phony tough talk with out a plan accomplishes zero.  A number of police officers have also been killed since Trump took office but his administration never spends time talking about that because Trump said he was going to stop that also.  President Trump also criticized President Obama when North Korea test fired their missiles and said it would not happen on his watch.  Yet North Korea continues to test their missiles on Trump's watch and at a more frequent rate.

Wednesday's gun violence that wounded 5 people in Virginia including a U.S. House member, occupied the news media all day and over shadowed the 4 killings in California.  It also provided the same old conversation about gun violence that has yet to be converted into sensible solutions because of the NRA, the gun lobby, the gun industry and the republicans in congress.  And of course, once again the talk is about the nasty threats via the social media such as Facebook.

But Trump's supporters loved the threats of "lock her up" and "crooked Hillary."  Trump even told his supporters at a campaign rally that he could shoot some one and his supporters would still vote for him.  And that statement by a Presidential candidate was accepted by his supporters with out any push back.  The news media paid little attention to such a horrible statement.  Trump also urged his supporters at more than one rally to eject protesters.

The phoniness of the so called tough talk and a ideology that defies logic is astounding and will never solve the problem of gun violence in America.  Every year that proves to be true.  Is it not sad that the killing of hundreds of innocent school kids in school over a period of years is not taken serious enough by congress to take action.  The gun lobby just don't care so responsible people need to step up to the plate and act.

President Trump with all of his nasty and ugly comments about people during the campaign and his Presidency does not represent a competent leader who can unite people.  He is a person about division, distrust and a desire to harm people's character.  And that is by his own choosing.  In fact as of this writing he has chosen the road of regression.  The phony tough talk needs to take a back seat to the real world.  Does Trump have the capacity to change?  Time will be the judge.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio


Monday, June 12, 2017

LSU Baseball: On A Roll, Going Back To Omaha and Another Big First For PolitiDose

Sports writers for the New Orleans Advocate and the Times Picayune who cover LSU baseball continue to be caught up in their stories of hype and cliches and just can't be objective in their evaluation of the team and its needs.  But PolitiDose's commentary in March out lined the needs of the team in order for them to return to the College World Series.

And all of the observations on LSU's needs as outlined in PolitiDose were accomplished and once again the Tigers have an opportunity to compete for a national championship in Omaha.  LSU did not put it all together during the early part of the season but that changed as the season progressed.

LSU's problem for the past several years, the need for a third starting pitcher, more timely hitting with runners on base, more home runs, use of the sacrifice bunt and better coaching have all been met this season and the Tigers go to Omaha as one of the hottest teams.  It has been several years since LSU has been in this position and there should be no reason to think negative at this point.  So good luck to LSU, the fans and to the state of Louisiana.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Another Trump Temperament Flaw Exposed By The President Himself

Hillary Clinton exposed Trump's lack of Temperament to be President long ago and of course the President has demonstrated almost every day how right she was.  The latest example was Trump's statement after he fired FBI director Comey when he said and tweeted, Comey better hope his comments with the President were not taped. Trump knew Comey would be a private citizen after being fired and might talk so he wanted to intimidate Comey with the tape threat.

But Comey did not blink and gave devastating testimony against the President in a hearing before the Senate Intelligence Committee under oath.  He also expressed to the committee his hope Trump would make the tapes public if they do exist.  He called Trump's bluff because Comey made notes of the conversation with the President.  This writer has never known a President to threaten someone but Trump's lack of temperament allows him to strike back against anyone who crosses him.

It is this writers belief Trump has no tapes but if they do indeed exist, will never be made public because they would confirm Comey's notes.  Since Comey's testimony, more people are coming forth concerning their distrust of the President and his often told lies.  Donald Trump will be in office 5 months on June 20 and so far his administration has been one of regression and scandal.  The White House is occupied by an Autocrat who believes he is above the law.

Our law enforcement agencies and the Congress need to make sure a final report is complete and the true story is told about the Trump-Russian affair and its related counter parts.  Democracy demands that.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, June 11, 2017

A Dis-functional State Legislature Fails Louisiana and Its People Once Again

It is not like the republican controlled legislature does not know the problem and answer to the state's fiscal problems because they do.  The problem stems from the fact that republicans are not very good at governing their own body politics.  As a result the legislature ended its regular session with out a fiscal budget so the governor has called another special session (the third one he has called and he has been in office less than 18 months) to deal with the same old worn out problem of the last eight years.

Walt Leger, democrat from New Orleans wanted to make a motion that the House pass the senate budget but speaker of the house, republican representative Taylor Barras would not allow the motion and instead ended the regular session.  The Times Picayune reported Leger had enough votes in the house to pass the senate budget.  So once again, it became the usual obstruction by republicans to move forward on fiscal matters of importance.

The Times Picayune reported an anti tax group funded by conservative Charles and David Koch, help kill any tax bills in the session.  Once again it is business that control the tax conversation and the republican controlled legislature that allow it to happen.  The legislature pays more attention to the Koch brothers who live out of state than they do to governor Edwards who gave the legislature his plan to deal with Louisiana's fiscal problems and was rejected with little debate.

The republicans will not use the special session to solve the problems they have kicked down the road for the past eight years.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Friday, June 9, 2017

The Republican Swamp Becomes A Cess-Pool

Former FBI director James Comey's testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee concerning President Trump continues to bring out the worse from republicans in congress.  They and conservative journalists have defended the President's lies from day one and now the republicans sorry excuse for defending the President after Comey's explosive testimony, was Trump's inexperience at being a public official, he does not understand government or how government works, every thing is new to him, etc, etc, and etc.

The swamp that Trump said he would drain has become a cess-pool aided and abeted by the republicans in congress.  And just on Thursday this week the republican  controlled House passed legislation eliminating all the safe guards put in place that brought the wall street banks under control by the Dodd-Franks legislation after the big banks failures of 2008.  Trump supported the Thursday bill and has placed wall street bankers in key positions in his cabinet and administration.  Hopefully, the democrats in the U.S. Senate can defeat this bill.

I doubt seriously if there is any living person today who has witnessed a more corrupt administration than the Trump administration or a more corrupted party than the republican party.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Former FBI Director James Comey Confirms President Trump Is A Liar

In testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday, former FBI director Comey said UNDER OATH President Trump lied and gave out FAKE NEWS  concerning morale at the FBI workplace and who originated the phone call to arrange a dinner meeting between Trump and Comey.  Comey's comment is creditable as he was under oath and there is a public record of Trump saying Comey set up the dinner meeting.  The lies just keep coming from the President, one after another, no matter the subject matter.

It is a very sad time for the country, our people, the Presidency and our democratic form of government.  To make matters worse, the President tried to influence the FBI investigation into the Russia-Trump thing by asking then director Comey to let go of the Flynn investigation.  Flynn was Trump's choice for his national security adviser who met with Russian officials before Trump took office and discussed the removal of sanctions placed on Russia by the Obama administration for Russia's hacking the 2016 Presidential election.  That act undermined the Obama administration who was still serving as President and Commander in Chief.  Coupled with Trump's son in law's attempt to set up a secret back channel link with Russia using Russian facilities to avoid U.S. detection was a treacherous act.  And make no mistake, Trump knew what was taking place.

Donald Trump has brought his autocrat governing to the federal government.  But a democratic government has a President and a structure where no one is above the law and the President does not have the final word.  Trying to obstruct a federal investigation is an impeachable offense and congress needs to keep that in mind as more evidence comes to light.  This writer believes there will be more impeachment offenses by the President that will come into view as more information surfaces.  It is only a matter of time.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Another Piece Of Propaganda By Louisiana Representative Steve Scalise

In his opinion column of 6/7 in the Times Picayune titled, "Defending the coast is top priority", Louisiana's representative Steve Scalise gave this writer a good laugh.  The column started out to be about Hurricane season but was really about federal revenue to rebuild Louisiana's coast and land loss.  Scalise states, THAT THIS IS A CRITICAL ISSUE AND ONE THAT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO ME.

That statement by Scalise has already proven false by his own actions.  Like other republicans, Scalise opposes holding the oil industry responsible for the damage their operations have done to Louisiana's coast, wet lands and marshes.  He also opposed several suits brought against the industry for their failure to pay for the damage they caused.  He also opposed the moratorium on Gulf drilling that President Obama placed on the industry after the BP explosion that killed 11 rig workers and the record oil spill.

What Scalise and the republican party wants is to make the federal government foot the bill through revenue sharing so as to keep their commitment to protect the oil industry and their rape of Louisiana's environment.  Scalise's voting record and his actions tell the story of a Louisiana congressman who is committed to special interest and not Louisiana or its people.  He and others can continue their talk about the federal government coming up with the money, but until they demand the oil industry pay for their share of the damage, the conversation is hypocritical.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Another Huge First For PolitiDose

The Times Picayune editorial of 6/4/17 titled, "Lawmakers lack the will for fiscal reform" comes about seven years too late.  The article talks about:  (1)  the failure of the state legislature to reform the state's unfair, unstable and convoluted tax system:  (2)  Ignoring the fiscal cliff of the $1 billion deficit projected for fiscal 2018:  (3)  The need for predictable revenue and (4)  Tax proposals that were ruled out of the current session of the legislature.

And if all that sounds familiar, its because you read it here first in PolitiDose many times during the last eight years.  And during that same time span the Times Picayune's editorial writers praised republican governor Jindal and the republican controlled legislature for cutting the budget and at the same time handing out tax breaks to the business community.  During that same period every state budget that Jindal and the legislature proclaimed balanced, ended up being out of balance before the fiscal year ended.

The eight years of Jindal and the republican controlled legislature was a time of praise by the Picayune and the business community even though they were in a position to see and understand what was happening to Louisiana's economy and fiscal house.  The national economy and jobs were growing but Louisiana was lagging.  Unemployment was dropping on the national level but Louisiana was not keeping pace.  The unemployment rate in Louisiana when Jindal took office was 3.8%.  It was over 6% when he left office.  Democratic governor Kathleen Blanco left the Jindal administration a $800 million surplus when she left office and Jindal blew it big time.

Yes, Louisiana had many people who were and still are a large influence who remained silent while the do nothing republican controlled legislature and Jindal were wrecking havoc with the Louisiana economy and its fiscal house.  The corporate welfare cycle of the business world is a corrupting influence whose appetite will never be satisfied because its all about them and never about us as a society and community.  And even worse, the business community has been allowed to control the conversation on taxes.

The people of Louisiana deserve better from our elected officials, the news media and the business community.  The states's future has been a repeat of its past failures.  Will the year 2017 be the year Louisiana can say the required steps were taken so that the future for our citizens will not look like the failed past?  Stay tuned because time will tell.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Monday, June 5, 2017

Jobs Report and Unemployment for May

The U.S. Labor Department announced that the economy created 138,100 new jobs in May and that the unemployment rate stood at 4.3%.  It was the 80th straight month of positive job creation  in the economy that ended the great recession of 2008.  Several economist expressed their disappointment in May's job numbers because earlier predictions talked about 180,000 jobs being created for May.

The Labor Department also reported that job creation for March and April was lower than reported for those two months.  This writer does not believe the job numbers tell a definitive story yet but the time is slowly approaching a point that will provide information as to where the economy is going.  The negative so far after over 4 months in office by the Trump administration is that no real legislation has passed congress concerning the economy, job creation or fiscal matters and most of Trump's executive orders have been regressive.

Over all, the economy has continued to grow steady since the end of the great recession with no wild swings in either direction.  The real question to be answered is the one this writer raised in a "PolitiDose" commentary concerning Trump's policies and legislation.  Will it be one of progress that improves on the economy and make it better or will it all be a policy of regression.  So far the Trump administration actions has been dormant on the economy and its plan to move the country and its people forward.

And the President's reported statement that he will create 20,000,000 new jobs without any indications how he will do that rings hollow.  Coupled with the fact that past republican administrations are just not good at governing or creating good economic times and are not good at job creation or balancing the federal budget tells this writer not to get his hope up.

One thing is for sure, time will be the final judge.

This commentary was written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Russia's Putin Knows U.S. Intelligence Has The Information On The Trump - Russia Affair.

Vladimir Putin knows the truth will be told concerning the Trump - Russian affair by U.S. Intelligence and that is why Putin made the statement that "patriotic Russians" could have done the hacking that interfered with the 2016 Presidential election.  The statement did involve Russia but people know that nothing happens in Russia on this scale with out Putin's authority or knowledge.

Putin's background is intelligence with the KGB and he and Trump have a number of things in common.  Trump could care less about NATO and Putin wants to see the break up of NATO.  Trump does not like American intelligence and Russia benefits from that.  Trump's son in law Jared Kushner tried to set up a secret back channel with Russia using their facilities to avoid American detection.  Trump has no respect for America's institutions or the democratic process and its value which brings America close to dis-function.  And of course Putin adopted one of Trumps favorite saying using the words "fake news."

Putin's article praised Trump and is a piece of propaganda to put doubt in the mind of the American people.  But one can read between the lines and feel the Trump - Russian collusion.  Putin's article also makes it easy to understand why Trump asked Russia to hack Clinton's email.  Can one imagine a American Presidential candidate asking America's major adversary to affect a Presidential election.  The connection was never made at the time by the major news media, but "PolitiDose" did and published a commentary dated 7/31/16 titled, "Traitor among us:  Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and Russia.

Yes, there was a crooked candidate in the 2016 Presidential race, but it was not Hillary Clinton.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Tim Morris: Times Picayune Columnist Tries Again To Find Cover For U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy

Morris is forever trying to find cover and excuses for the republican party and once again for Louisiana's Senator Bill Cassidy.  In a opinion column dated 6/2/17 of the Times Picayune Morris covers Cassidy's town hall meeting in Covington to talk about health care with the people he represents.  The gist of Morris column is that Cassidy is not afraid to hold town hall meetings on the subject matter.

All who follow the news know that the republicans in congress have been catching flak all over the country at their town hall meetings concerning health care because of their lies about the subject matter.  Some republicans have cancelled their town hall meetings and some have used the telephone style meetings to dodge face to face contact with their supporters.

Like Cassidy's town hall in Metairie in February that failed to have enough seating and left people out side the hall, so did his meeting in Covington.  Of course Cassidy knew those town halls concerning health care were drawing large crowds all over the country and in Louisiana but still failed to find a hall that was large enough to hold the people who were willing to make their voices known.  Surely a U.S. Senator has the means to provide adequate space for his own meetings with the people he represents.

The opinion column was void of any position that Cassidy has on health care and repeal and replacing the ACA.  It was mostly a rehash of his earlier column of Cassidy's town hall in Metairie.  Although a Doctor, Cassidy fits the republican mold on health car and keeps repeating the same lie.  They do not have a workable plan to repeal and replace the ACA and that was confirmed by the CBO report on the House passed AHCA.

Cassidy and his Senate colleges still do not have a plan to vote on and have held no public hearings on health care to obtain comments by the public and other interested in the subject matter.  They are just trying to convince 50 republican senators to vote for any plan with concessions.  This writer wonders if Cassidy told his supports at the town hall that his position on "pre existing conditions" was to turn that over to the states to implement.  Ohio's republican governor John Kasich said that idea was laughable and would not work.  Kasich implemented the ACA in his state under the Medicaid provisions that he said has insured over 800,000 people.

If Cassidy and the republican party were serious about health care they would work to improve the ACA and make it better.  That would be the thing to do and provide the country with a workable and sound health care system.  Stop the lies of the last seven years that the republican party has a ready and workable plan

And let the people never forget that it was the republicans in congress that urged republican governors not to implement health care exchanges in their states because they wanted the ACA to fail..

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Another Act of Regression by President Donald Trump

Trump's announcement Thursday that the U.S. would withdraw from the Paris Climate Accords marked another of the many regressive actions he has taken since becoming President.  The U.S. now joins only two other countries that did not sign the 2015 accord, Nicaragua and Syria.  The President's statement that he will initiate  a new climate accord that is better for America is sour grapes.  Any way, is there any one who wants to play his game now?

President Obama was actually able to work with the other countries party to the accord to agree with the changes made that the U.S. insisted on.  The Obama administration made sure the American foot print was there.  The accord was a landmark decision concerning the environment and was supported all over the world.  It came at a time that reversed the attitude of the past on global warming.

President Trumps decision comes after a disaster meeting with NATO members last week that will weaken the long time alliance and isolate the U.S. at a time that calls for cooperation.  Trumps every day actions continue to taint the Presidency and diminish the role the President plays as the leader of the free world.  The country just celebrated what would have been  President Kennedy's 100 birthday and what a contrast.  President Kennedy, one who knew history and the role America's institutions play in the life of so many people.  A smiling irishman, proud of his heritage whom the people loved and believed in and whose policies were progressive with an eye toward the future.

And now with so many regressive decisions made by Trump that reverse the progress made during the last 8 years, the past failures are being thrust upon the future. Trump's disposition is never a cheery one and as a result always looks out of place in meetings, especially last week with his visit abroad.  President Obama dealt Trump a good hand to work with when he left office and Trump crapped out big time because of a corrupt life style he intends to bestow on government service and America's institutions.

And to top it all off he is still the President of blame and refuses to stop the buch at his desk.  He leaves Washington almost every week end to dodge the news media's questions and shows his contempt for transparency.  And lately his post on "facebook" asks for contributions from his supporters to help him drain the swamp.  The $10 billion President is still looking to others to finance his fake news.  What a shame.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio