Monday, June 12, 2017

Another Trump Temperament Flaw Exposed By The President Himself

Hillary Clinton exposed Trump's lack of Temperament to be President long ago and of course the President has demonstrated almost every day how right she was.  The latest example was Trump's statement after he fired FBI director Comey when he said and tweeted, Comey better hope his comments with the President were not taped. Trump knew Comey would be a private citizen after being fired and might talk so he wanted to intimidate Comey with the tape threat.

But Comey did not blink and gave devastating testimony against the President in a hearing before the Senate Intelligence Committee under oath.  He also expressed to the committee his hope Trump would make the tapes public if they do exist.  He called Trump's bluff because Comey made notes of the conversation with the President.  This writer has never known a President to threaten someone but Trump's lack of temperament allows him to strike back against anyone who crosses him.

It is this writers belief Trump has no tapes but if they do indeed exist, will never be made public because they would confirm Comey's notes.  Since Comey's testimony, more people are coming forth concerning their distrust of the President and his often told lies.  Donald Trump will be in office 5 months on June 20 and so far his administration has been one of regression and scandal.  The White House is occupied by an Autocrat who believes he is above the law.

Our law enforcement agencies and the Congress need to make sure a final report is complete and the true story is told about the Trump-Russian affair and its related counter parts.  Democracy demands that.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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