Monday, July 31, 2017

A Recap Of The Republican's Scam To Repeal and Replace The Affordable Care Act and A Compliant News Media

There is little left to be said about the subject matter until the issue is once again put on the agenda by congress.  But this writer feels a recap is in order to cut through the nonsense that became a large part of the issue that was totally unnecessary and skewed the issue.  And the news media in general and cable news in particular were compliant in the matter all the way.

Congress delivers its message to the public through the news media and for seven years the republicans in congress appeared before the media, mostly on cable and the Sunday morning news shows and proclaimed they had a plan to repeal and replace the ACA.  But they never held one public debate or meeting to obtain input from those concerned and involved in health care.  Nor did they have any written plans.  And the host of all the TV shows they were guest never asked the republicans to reveal their plans they claimed to have. Nor did the news media ever do a major story about their fake news on the subject matter.  Ditto Donald Trump, only for him it was 18 months, but he too never had a actual plan.  It was all fake news and the news media was submissive and yielding.

In being compliant, the news media gave a measure of credibility to the republicans claims of having a plan and did not devote any time to the fact that the ACA was working and how the ACA could be amended if necessary.  They became ditto heads for the republicans fake news and never challenged Trump and his party's charges that the ACA was imploding.  The media simply fed the American people the republicans and Trump's fake news on the issue like they also did Hillary Clinton concerning Benghazi and her emails.

The best information concerning the health care issue took place when Clinton and Sanders debated during the 2016 campaign.  Sanders wanted to start all over on health care but Clinton articulated how it would be best to amend the ACA and make it better.  The news media decided it would be more fun to run with the republicans fake news.

For the republican party and Donald Trump the issue backfired, thanks to the value of the ACA and the latest poll that showed 62% of the American people support the ACA.  The news medias handling of the issue and the republicans scam should be a reminder to the people to do their own homework on the issues so they can make a judgement based on the merits of such issues.  And when health care is once again brought to the floor of congress one can bet the news media will still lack a true voice for the people to really understand.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Finally, Something Good Comes Out Of Washington, D.C.

And it happened because the votes of 48 democratic Senators and 3 republican Senators defeated the SKINNY  health care plan by the republican controlled Senate.  It was the final push by the Senate and Trump to repeal and replace the ACA for the immediate future.  They will try again later but for now their seven year itch lacks scratching and credibility.

With six months plus in office President Trump and his party still have no major legislation accomplishments.  His staff and appointed ones are dropping out like flys and Trump's inability to select qualified people is telling.  His administration is a circus and chaos still reigns.  The buck passer in chief failed to keep his word of submitting his own health care plan to congress in March for congress to debate.  His mind has a hard time thinking policy and plans because he is not a thinking President.

After the SKINNY failed, republican Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell said it was time to move on to other issues.  Democratic minority leader Chuck Schumer said the democrats in congress are still willing to work with republicans if they reject their ideology of repeal and replacement of the ACA and work in a constructive way with democrats to address any problem that exist with the ACA and make it better.  The ACA is working and is the proper frame work to address health care.

Trump and the republicans should read the following statement made by President Harry Truman many years ago.  It is relevant to the health care issue today.  YOU CAN ALWAYS AMEND A BIG PLAN, BUT YOU CAN NEVER EXPAND A LITTLE ONE.  I DON'T BELIEVE IN LITTLE PLANS.  I BELIEVE IN PLANS BIG ENOUGH TO MEET A SITUATION WHICH WE CAN'T POSSIBLE FORESEE NOW.

Those words of wisdom come from a very successful President who guided our country during and out of
WWII.  Today's democratic party are using those words of wisdom concerning their position on health care.  This writer has no way of knowing if Truman's statement influenced their position but it is the right position to take concerning working within the ACA and not destroying it.

President Trump and the republicans in congress could learn a great deal from Truman's statement and signal they are ready to work with the democrats and with in the ACA.  It is their move because they control both houses of congress and they are the ones who control and decide what legislation can be introduced.  Time will tell if the republicans are ready and willing to walk away from their big lie concerning health care the past 7 years.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Friday, July 28, 2017

Louisiana's Republican Representatives In The U.S. Congress Have Hit Rock Bottom

All of Louisiana's republican reps in the U.S. House of congress voted for the American Health Care Act a few months ago which would have repealed and replaced the ACA.  The CBO report on the bill pointed out how damaging that bill would be to health care and the millions of people who would lose their insurance.

And now just this week the U.S. Senate, thanks to all the democrats and 7 republican  senators voted to kill the latest version of the republican party's health care  bill called "The Obamacare Repeal Reconcillation Act" by a vote of 45-55.  If passed the legislation would have left 17 million with out insurance in the first year and 32 million over the next 10 years.  The bill would have become effective in 2020 pending a replacement.

Louisiana's two U.S. Senators, John Kennedy and Bill Cassidy voted for the bill even though it did not meet Cassidy's own test.  He and Kennedy were just conservative ditto heads who followed the republican leadership.  Cassidy came up with the lame excuse the 2020 effective date would give the party enough time to craft a suitable replacement.  What a bunch of crap from a republican and party who has lied about its health care plans for 7 years and still not even close.

The republican controlled Senate is now saying they will try to pass a SKINNY health care plan bill this week which still has the same problem as their other lies and in fact creates other problems.  The party are the lying liars of health care and Louisiana's republican representation in congress have been just a bunch of ditto heads who care nothing about health care, Louisiana or its people.  Their voting record and their actions say it all.  Louisiana and its people miss the representation of former U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu big time.

Special Note:  Late last night into the early morning the republican's SKINNY health care bill was voted on   and defeated 51-49.  All 48 democratic Senators voted no as did three republican Senators.  The defeat ends the issue for the time being and again Louisiana's two U.S. Senators, Kennedy and Cassidy voted for the SKINNY bill and continued their conservative ditto head march behind Trump and the republican leadership and their vote said to hell with Louisiana.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Another Piece of 'FAKE NEWS' By Times Picayune Conservative Writer Tim Morris

In a Times Picayune column of July 26 titled, "The Most Corrupt State?  Louisiana Owns It., ditto head Tim Morris displays a picture of former Louisiana Governor Edwin Edwards and tries to connect the Governor to corruption along with other elected officials from several other states that he mentions.  Morris talks about Edwards conviction in 2001 in bribery and extortion charges and the fact that Edwards fought criminal indictments in the past.

But the facts tell the real story that Edwards was never convicted of any wrong doing while holding public office, not even his conviction in 2001.  That chaps Morris and the Times Picayune because while Governor, Edwards always got the best of the news media by admitting in public, some of his bad habits.  But Edwards was never found guilty of any crimes that took place during his 4 terms as Governor.

"FAKE NEWS' is alive and well with conservative opinion writers and the Times Picayune and especially since Trump became the author of "FAKE NEWS'.  And when one becomes a ditto head, 'FAKE NEWS' is substituted for facts.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Monday, July 24, 2017

Another First For PolitiDose Concerning The Affordable Care Act

Two articles in the Times Picayune of July 24, one by three writers with the Washington Post titled, "Trump's  first 6 months:  A fact-check tally" the other by Paul Krugman, titled, Health Care in a time of sabotage" confirms that the ACA is working, not dying or imploding and according to the Congressional Budget Office the ACA exchanges are expected to remain stable for the foreseeable future.  And if that seems familiar its because you read it here first in PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary just recently and many other times in the past since Trump and the republicans started their lies.

Other information pointed out in the two articles state that Trump lied approximately 44 times that the ACA was dying and essentially dead.  One article explains how Trump can sabotage the ACA and not make it work which Trump has already alluded to on numerous occasions.  The article also list three areas the Trump administration is already doing to sabotage the ACA.  First:  Weakening enforcement of the requirement that healthy people buy insurance.  Second:  Its letting states impose rules on people seeking medicaid.  Third:  It has backed off advertising and outreach designed to let people know about options for coverage.  The article list other things the Trump administration is doing to discourage the uninsured to join the ACA.

The health care issue has exposed Trump and the republicans for what they really are, liars with an unAmerican ideology who are willing to even lie to their supporters to destroy anything democratic.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio  

Friday, July 21, 2017

The Affordable Care Act and What Is Missing From The Conversation.

A conservative ideology is the driving force behind the republicans attempt to repeal and replace the ACA for the last seven and half years.  And Donald Trump has followed in their foot steps for the past 19 months.  Their lies and fake news concerning the cost and the predicted collapse of the ACA tells a fairy tale the news media is willing to accept but does not square with the known facts.

There are two leading reports and studies concerning health care cost and the ACA.  Both were subject to commentary by this writer in PolitiDose at the time.  The reports were published in the Huffington Post on 6/20/16 and 2/15/17 titled, "We're Spending less on Health care than we thought we would before Obamacare" and "Health care rises modestly as GOP eyes big changes."  The reports by the Urban Institute in conjunction with The Independent Office of the Actuary at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Their findings and reports stated total health care cost (that paid by American businesses, the government and households) grew an average of 4.4% a year from 2008-2014.  It grew 4.8% in 2016.  It will grow an average of 5.6% a year from 2016 to 2025, much less than the almost 8% for the two decades before 2008.  Between 2014 and 2019 health care expense is predicted to be $2.6 trillion less than originally projected despite the added cost of the ACA.

The actuaries are not sure what role the ACA has played in the modest increase in health care cost but noted health care spending is actually lower than the federal actuaries projected prior to the ACA.  They also noted the projections are subject to a great deal of uncertainty because Donald Trump and the republican controlled congress plan to make major changes to the health care system.  And sure enough, Trump and the republicans health care plans they introduced have been shot down with facts from the CBO that would increase health care cost dramatically and millions would lose their health insurance.

Yes, ideology is driving Trump and the republican party on the issue and not facts.  They love government to be involved in giving out tax breaks and corporate welfare to business and the wealthy but hate government involvement in health care.  Hillary Clinton and the democratic party have the right answers in fact.  Change what is necessary in the ACA and make it better while still lowering the cost.  That is really not hard to understand because the ACA is working.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, July 20, 2017

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough Has His Own Brand of FAKE NEWS

In a Washington Post commentary published in the Times Picayune of 7/18/17 titled, "Trump Is Killing the GOP" Scarborough used several pieces of "Fake News."  First of all Trump and the GOP are one and the same as articulated by this writer last year in PolitiDose.  The GOP is killing its own self.  Trump has been using the GOP tactic of personal attacks and other forms of un-American ideology that started long ago and the GOP is supporting every Trump move and lies.

Scarborough served in the U.S. House as a republican at the same time Newt Gingrich was running the House and in his article gave out the "fake news" that his party was successful balancing the federal budget.  The true story has been recorded in history about those years and it was the Clinton administration that balanced the budget and created surpluses.  And it was the democratic controlled congress that passed Clinton's economic and deficit reduction plan in their budget and rejected the republican budget the GOP introduced.  It was also a time when Gingrich, Scarborough and the republican party shut down the government.

Scarborough, who left congress in 2001 claims that the republican party began its fiscal policy disaster with the George W. Bush administration which doubled the national debt, turned Clinton's balanced budgets and surpluses into deficit spending and promoted a foreign policy so utopian  it would make Woodrow Wilson blush.  But the truth of the republican fiscal disasters actually started with the Reagan administration who in his 8 fiscal years never balanced one federal budget and the national debt increased 186%.  Scarborough was totally silent on the Reagan years.

Morning Joe, Scarborough's morning cable show on MSNBC was one of many cable Hosts who gave Trump much air time during the Presidential campaign of 2016.  Joe, like the other Hosts could not get enough of Trump and his corrupt talk and actions.  They allowed Trump to drown out the other candidates because he was good copy.  They showed no interest in the fact that Trump was not qualified to be President.  They helped get Trump elected and now don't know what to do with him or how to handle him.

No, Trump is not killing the GOP because they are willing partners.  The killing of the GOP started with the so called Newt Gingrich Revolution that began during the time Scarborough served in the U.S. House.  That is when the GOP made its killing turn with its conservative un-American ideology.  It has continued until this day and Trump is now its leader who is taking the GOP to new extremes.  Scarborough had his chance when he served in the U.S. House to make a difference in his party but failed the test.  Sooner or later "fake news" will bury those that subscribe to it.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Another Ditto Head Organization Becomes A Mouth Piece For The Oil and Gas Industry in Louisiana

In a point of view opinion in the Times Picayune of July 16, Marc Ehrhardt, Executive Director of Grow Louisiana Coalition wrote a column titled, Oil, Gas Industry Is Pumping Resources Into Coastal Restoration represents the usual ideology of a free pass to business, this time being the Oil and Gas industry.  Mr. Ehrhardt does not like the legal suits filed against the industry for the environmental damage their operations have caused over the past 50 plus years.

The theme of the column is that the industry, because they and their employees pay taxes, the industry is doing enough toward coastal restoration.  Ditto, because of the royalties they pay the state and federal government.  The other theme is that the industry is an economic engine that supports jobs in Louisiana and etc., etc., and etc.  Of course every one knows that the industry is in Louisiana because of Louisiana's natural resources so they have to create jobs to do the work and develop those resources.

Another theme is that the law suits negatively affect Louisiana's competitive position.  There is one thing we know about law suits and that is, more law suits are filed by business against other business than any law suits filed against the oil and gas industry for the environmental damage caused by their operations.  And the fact remains that the damages caused to Louisiana's environment negatively affects Louisiana's competitive position more than the law suits themselves.

Now a few words about Louisiana jobs created by the industry.  In the past several years Louisiana has lost more oil and gas industry jobs than any other sector because of cut backs due to a surplus of oil and gas on the market which results from over supply and over production.  The price of a barrel of oil is still in the $40-50 range and it had been in the $90 range for many years before the fall.  But hey, the Oil industry could put many of those laid off workers back to work by restoring the land  their operations destroyed over the last 50 plus years.  What Louisiana needs to do is expand their business base outside the oil and gas industry and diversify with business more friendly to the environment and the labor market.

This writer was struck by the tell tale sign that Mr. Ehrhardt never once mentioned in his article the damage to Louisiana's environment that was caused by the industry's operations.  That is par for the course for those who have become spoke persons for the industry.  And yes, lucky for America and Louisiana the country had a President who did his job and saw to it that BP was held accountable for the blow out in the Gulf of Mexico and the resulting damages, including the death of 11 Rig workers.

The idea that the oil and gas industry has paid or continues to pay for the damage to Louisiana's environment through the taxes and or royalties they pay is a fairy tale and a scam.  It is also good to remember that BP, after paying out billions of dollars for the damage they caused, continues to operate in Louisiana, on shore sand off shore and are still making money.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, July 16, 2017

It Was One Year Ago This Month When !!!

Candidate Donald Trump at a campaign rally asked Russia to find Hillary Clinton's emails because he was hoping to find something damaging on her.  The news media only reported the story in general and failed to understand the significance of what Trump said as it related to hacking into an American's privacy.  However, this writer did and wrote commentary concerning it here in PolitiDose titled, A Traitor Among Us, dated July 31, 2016.

And now today, with all the new revelations concerning members of Trump's family (son and son in law) meeting with Russian agents one can see how Trump's request of Russia a year ago fits in with Russia's hacking into the election and the democratic national committee's records in order to support Trump for the Presidency.  American intelligence confirmed long ago Russia wanted Trump to become President.  In other words, Russian hacking was not a isolated act, it was carried out for a purpose and Trump's campaign was willing to cooperate.  And this writer believes Donald Trump knew what was taking place.  Members of his campaign, especially his son and son in law would have talked to Trump about the meetings.

The Trump-Russian affair even undermines the U.S. relations with our NATO allies, especially after all the negative remarks Trump has made concerning NATO.  And of course Putin and Russia would love to see a splintered and ineffective NATO led by the U.S.  Trump has put America in harms way with family advisers that do his bidding but are not professional or experienced in political matters and diplomacy.  Plus they themselves hate government and people who do have political understanding.

Hopefully, the special prosecutor can complete the investigation in a timely matter concerning the Trump-Russia affair.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, July 15, 2017

President Obama's Policies Toward ISIS Gave The U.S. The Upper Hand On Fighting Terror

Has anyone noticed that the news media and the present administration hardly talk about ISIS any more?  Trump tried to use ISIS and Obama's policy as an issue and all the while ISIS was being ejected from every area it occupied in Iraq.  And just last week Iraq announced it ejected ISIS from Mosul, the largest city in northern Iraq where ISIS was dug in after being captured over 20 months ago.

Iraqi forces with U.S. air and ground support and other allies turned the tide in Iraq.  Numerous ISIS top leaders have been killed by U.S. air strikes, their supplies destroyed and funds that helped ISIS recruit and procure weapons have been shut down.  The ISIS threat in Iraq has been reduced to isolated bombings.  ISIS is now more pre-occupied with terror more in the European nations where the targets are easier.  But that will also change as other countries improve their security and learn more about fighting terror.

And President Obama's policies worked with out exposing large amounts of U.S. troops to terror attacks.  It was a huge turn around from what the President inherited when he took office in 2009.  The Trump administration was the beneficiary of that turn around but after almost 6 months in office, Trump still has no policy in place on the middle east or the fight against terror.  Only so called tough talk.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Friday, July 14, 2017

Hillary Clinton, Out Of Politics, But Not Forgotton

Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 Presidential election, won the popular vote by almost 3 million votes and now a civilian has maintained intact her character, courage, integrity and devotion to America and public service.  Her accomplishments come despite the vicious lies by her republican opponents who could not compete on the issues or articulate any policy of their own.

Her early warnings about Trump during the campaign fell on deaf ears and now the real crooked candidate is in the White House and probably on the road to impeachment.  Clinton's thoughts on the economy, Russia and how to deal with the ACA during the campaign now engulfs the Trump administration and the republican party to the point of being a non functional party and government.

While Trump and his party continue to lie and attack everyone, Hillary is satisfied being a wife, mother and grandmother and staying silent on most of the damage being done by the President.  Now it is up to the powers that be in politics to straighten out the mess.  No doubt Hillary will speak out from time to time on the major issues and rightly so, but won't allow herself to stoop to the low of the present administration.

Hillary Clinton did her best while in politics and was loyal to her country and its people.  She will be treated kindly by history when the time comes to write the final chapter.  In the mean time her leadership and knowledge is greatly missed.  And in November she won the most important aspect of politics and life, that is truth, character and courage.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Trump Jr. Said He Wanted To Be Transparent: Yeah, Right.

Donald Trump Jr. said he wanted to be transparent with a Russian agent and that is why he made his emails public about the matter.  His father, the President tweeted that same line of transparency to back up his son's statement.  The reality  of the story is that Trump Jr. only made his emails public after the New York Times broke the story of his meeting and was also ready to make his emails public.

Transparency concerning the Trump-Russian affair has never taken place.  Both the President and Vice President Pence are on the record as saying on numerous occasions that the Trump campaign had no contact with Russia which has proven to be out right lies.  And the New York Times just exposed the lie once again with their story of Trump Jr's meeting with a Russian agent.

The Trumps seem like they have a life living in the world of "dirt" and Trump Jr. loved the thought of Russia possessing some "dirt" on Hillary Clinton.  But in the end, it was Trump Jr. who was covered with "dirt."  Russia knew what Presidential candidate they could deal with and influence and that is why they backed Donald Trump.  They also knew Trumps' campaign would do any thing to meet with the Russians.  And sadly, Russia is still pulling Trump's strings.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The Trumps: We Know Where Their Loyalty Lies

Little by little America continues to discover just how deep President Trump, his campaign and his family is involved with Russia concerning the 2016 Presidential campaign and election.  The latest revelation according to the New York Times was Donald Trump Jr's meeting with a foreign agent for Russia for the purpose of finding "dirt" on Hillary Clinton.  That is called collusion with Russia and a possible violation of federal election laws.  It was later announced that Trump Jr. has hired an attorney to represent himself in the matter.  So far, President Trump, Vice President Pence, Trumps son in law Jared Kushner, Donald Trump Jr, former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and others connected to the Trump campaign have hired attorneys to represent them concerning the Russian matter.

What a sad time in America when the President, some of his top aids and family members show more loyalty to a foreign government (one that tried to influence the election in Trump's favor according to American intelligence) than the United States.  Trump's campaign and his Presidency has been one big lie, aided by some family members and others whose only interest is personal gain.  After Donald Trump Jr's meeting with the Russian agent was exposed, he tried to say all candidates try to find "dirt" on their opponents.  But caught flak for that comment from past GOP campaign managers who said such a meeting would never have taken place on their watch and that the meeting tells where Trump's loyalty lies.

PolitiDose, in past commentary pointed out months ago that the Trump-Russian affair would continue to unfold over time and that the worst has yet to come.  The next story that breaks could be the BIG ONE.  In the mean time the evidence keeps building the case for collusion and the dark side of a President unfit to be in office and tainted to the point never before seen in an American Presidency.  It truly is a sad time in America when such a person freely chooses a foreign adversary over his own country.

Former President Obama and Hillary Clinton are so much head and heels over Trump in every way possible.  Their loyalty to the United States and the positions they served in were honorable in every way.  History is proving they gave of themselves for the good of the country and its people in a positive way.  What they stood for is missed and lacking in the present administration.  What a shame and shame for America and its people.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Monday, July 10, 2017

North Korea: Another Big First For PolitiDose

The Times Picayune in its reflection section of July 9 carried two articles concerning the N. Korea problem and what can or can not be done about it.  The main title was, "The Threat From N. Korea."  One of the articles was written by Laura Rosenberger who was director for China and Korea at the national security council under President Obama and a member of the six party talks delegations on North Korea's nuclear program in the George W. Bush administration.   So its obvious Ms. Rosenberger is well qualified to speak on the subject matter because of her experience.

The main points of Ms. Rosenberger commentary was President Trump's sounds off with chest-thumping statements on twitter (this writer calls it Trump's so called tough talk) which is a very reckless reaction and one that risks miscalculation by adversary and ally alike.  Ms. Rosenberger explains that Trump's statements and tweets do not represent policy and therefore dangerous.  And in fact says it is not clear that Trump has any sense of what our strategy toward N. Korea is.  She goes on to detail and explains how N. Korea and our allies might mis-interpret Trump's words.

The second article was written by James Stauridis, a retired U.S. Navy Admiral and former military commander of NATO.  The Admiral explains why there are no good military options against N. Korea and says the worse option on N. Korea for the United States is striking first and he goes on to explain his reasons which have been expressed also by other military leaders.  Admiral Stauridis also noted N. Korea will present a clear and present danger to the U.S. in about 18-24 months when N. Korea is able to produce reliable nuclear weapons small enough to affix to the war heads of their ballistic missiles.

The Admiral also alluded to the fact that Trump's secretary of defense, Jim Mattis said, a war would be catastrophic.  In ending his commentary Admiral Stauridis points out, living with N. Korea's nuclear weapons maybe the least-worst option and that relying on the cold war doctrine of mutual assured destruction, N. Korea's leader Kim Jong Un would realize if he used nuclear weapons he would be signing his own death warrant.

What was surprising to this writer, none of the two articles mentioned the unification of North and South Korea as an option and this writer still believes it is the only long range solution.  A unified Korea with no outside interference and a nuclear free Korea.  Too many years have already been wasted that has yet to yield any progress on bringing N. Korea's nuclear weapons or missile production under control.

And if any thing sounds familiar in the two articles to the reader, its because you read it here first in PolitiDose, just in the last two weeks and several other times in the last seven years.  So stay tuned to PolitiDose, your daily Dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, July 8, 2017

The U.S. Economy Continues To Create Jobs

The U.S. Labor Department announced that the U.S. economy created 222,000 jobs in June and the unemployment rate came in at 4.4%, up from the 4.3% in May.  It was the 81st straight month of positive job growth after the great recession of 2008.  The economy continues its expansion with a solid foundation.

With very little legislation coming out of Washington and the republican's fiasco with health care, the long range direction of the economy is in question.  The republican party still has no jobs bill to introduce, only talk.  The democrats now say they will introduce their own jobs bill to move this important legislature forward.

Government policies and attitude are the basics of a strong economic base and when there is no direction, progress slows.  The next few months may well determine what the future may bring.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Friday, July 7, 2017

The U.S. Has A Traitorous President In The White House

Donald Trump, President of the United States traveled to Europe for the G-20 summit and while on foreign soil criticized former President Obama and said U.S. intelligence agencies can not be trusted.  That was a traitorous statement by a person who continues to have no respect for the office of President and what America stands for.  The President is mentally unfit to lead America and should be impeached.  The republican controlled congress needs to stop making up excuses and act on his impeachment.

Taking care of the country's business and the needs of the people are not on Trump's agenda.  His total focus is to corrupt the democratic process taking place concerning the possible collusion with Russia along with his campaign.  His meeting with Putin will only produce more fake news.  The G-20 summit always looks to America's Presidential leadership, but this year that leadership is lost because of Trumps inability to lead and think beyond himself.

Congress should put an end to this traitorous and corrupt President and start the impeachment process.  Five plus months has done enough damage to our country and its democratic system and institutions.  Trump's statement that America's intelligence agencies can not be trusted gives Putin cover to deny Russia's involvement in hacking the 2016 Presidential election in favor of Trump.  That is called collusion in any ones book.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

North Korea Sends A Message Via Another Missile Test

Donald Trump criticized President Obama every time N. Korea test fired one of its missiles and declared it would not happen in a Trump Administration.  But it is not only taken place on Trump's watch, it is happening with more frequency.  And yesterday N. Korea test fired what it called an ICBM capable of reaching the United States.  The U.S. South Korea and other governments confirmed the test was a success.

N.Korea is sending a message it is a player who has to be dealt with in the nuclear age.  Russia and China responded immediately calling for talks between the U.S, North and South Korea and themselves to solve the problem.  N. Korea's leader is looking for attention and knows better than to attack the U.S. or South Korea which would bring about a devastating response to N. Korea's people, economy and country.

The only long term solution is for a united Korea, one nation, under one rule and one people.  Divided countries will always be a problem, that is why the U.S. still has 20,000 troops stationed in S. Korea 64 years after the Korean war ended and why N. Korea is showing off its military might.  A political solution is needed to resolve the immediate problem of a miscalculation on either side.  China will not allow N. Korea to start a war with the U.S. or S. Korea.

North Korea became a nuclear power during the George W. Bush administration while Bush was trying to talk tough.  Now Trump's tough talk has not worked and because he is so unstable the Korean situation becomes more dangerous.  The present time would be a good time to start the talk of re-uniting both North and South Korea.  It can be done with the proper negotiation and with the U.S., China, Russia stepping back from their current positions with North and South Korea.

The desire of countries to obtain nuclear weapons will not cease until the present nuclear powers attitude of "we can keep our nuclear weapons but you can't have any" and uses that to intimidate.  Pakistan, India, Israel, N. Korea have a nuclear capacity.  Iran was on the road to a nuclear capacity before the recent agreement.  It is a never ending situation that could easily erupt into a nuclear war by design or miscalculation.  The civilized world should not have to live under that cloud.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Carl Bernstein Said It Best Concerning President Donald Trump

Carl Bernstein, a respected journalist for many years and contributor to many media outlets concerning politics and political matters, recently remarked on CNN that Donald Trump was a "malignant" President.  Bernstein, as a political journalist knows more about politics and political figures than most because he put a considerable amount of time into investigative journalism.  He, along with Bob Woodward broke the "watergate"  story wide open as reporters for the Washington Post.

This writer believes Bernstein's description of Trump as a "malignant" President is accurate.  Websters new world dictionary describes the meaning of "malignant" as follows:  Having an evil influence;  malign;  wishing evil;  very malevolent or malicious;  very harmful;  very dangerous or virulent;  malcontent.  Those descriptions fit both Donald Trump the man and Donald Trump the President.  The problem in being President is that being "malignant" affects the moral fabric of what America is all about, what it stands for and sends the wrong message to our young people and the world.

Bernstein has come up with the easiest definition to understand and describe Trump because it can easily be seen in Trump's every day actions.  Too bad the news media has so few journalists with Bernstein's experience and credibility.  Trump will not be able to "tweet" himself out of Bernstein's assessment of Trump the "malignant" President.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Trump's Presidential Merry-Go-Round: Where It Stops, No One Knows

This past week the cry baby President lashed out at the news media again in personal attacks and in general comments in keeping up with his fake news that he originated during the campaign.  It is his merry-go-round to divide the people and attempt to hide his failure as a President and as a man.  His tweets re-confirm he is an unstable President with corrupt values.

Trump's latest merry-go-round position on health care, namely, repeal now and replace later, is a dizzy attempt to cover up his and the republicans big lie concerning the ACA and their lack of a real health plan.  Trumps own health plan that he spoke about for over a year and said he would introduce before the end of this past March has not seen the light of day because he lied about having one in the first place. And now since the republican controlled senate had to delay their vote on their health plan because a lack of support from their own party, Trump now wants to repeal now and replace later leaving millions without insurance.

According to the latest poll, less than 20% of those polled support the senate's health plan.  Health care is an issue that can be defined as a visible link between  the republican party, Trump, their out right lies and their inability to govern.  Their ideology is a block on making decisions based on what is best for America.  In the mean time, nothing else is being accomplished by Trump and the republican controlled congress.

The merry-go-round in the White House is the work of a tainted President and cry baby business man who is still unfit to be President and Commander in Chief.  And after more than 5 months in office, there is no end in sight where or when it will come to an end.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio