Monday, July 31, 2017

A Recap Of The Republican's Scam To Repeal and Replace The Affordable Care Act and A Compliant News Media

There is little left to be said about the subject matter until the issue is once again put on the agenda by congress.  But this writer feels a recap is in order to cut through the nonsense that became a large part of the issue that was totally unnecessary and skewed the issue.  And the news media in general and cable news in particular were compliant in the matter all the way.

Congress delivers its message to the public through the news media and for seven years the republicans in congress appeared before the media, mostly on cable and the Sunday morning news shows and proclaimed they had a plan to repeal and replace the ACA.  But they never held one public debate or meeting to obtain input from those concerned and involved in health care.  Nor did they have any written plans.  And the host of all the TV shows they were guest never asked the republicans to reveal their plans they claimed to have. Nor did the news media ever do a major story about their fake news on the subject matter.  Ditto Donald Trump, only for him it was 18 months, but he too never had a actual plan.  It was all fake news and the news media was submissive and yielding.

In being compliant, the news media gave a measure of credibility to the republicans claims of having a plan and did not devote any time to the fact that the ACA was working and how the ACA could be amended if necessary.  They became ditto heads for the republicans fake news and never challenged Trump and his party's charges that the ACA was imploding.  The media simply fed the American people the republicans and Trump's fake news on the issue like they also did Hillary Clinton concerning Benghazi and her emails.

The best information concerning the health care issue took place when Clinton and Sanders debated during the 2016 campaign.  Sanders wanted to start all over on health care but Clinton articulated how it would be best to amend the ACA and make it better.  The news media decided it would be more fun to run with the republicans fake news.

For the republican party and Donald Trump the issue backfired, thanks to the value of the ACA and the latest poll that showed 62% of the American people support the ACA.  The news medias handling of the issue and the republicans scam should be a reminder to the people to do their own homework on the issues so they can make a judgement based on the merits of such issues.  And when health care is once again brought to the floor of congress one can bet the news media will still lack a true voice for the people to really understand.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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