Monday, October 2, 2017

Up Next For Congress: Trump and The Republican's Tax Reform Scheme and Ploy..

First it was the trumpet man and republicans health care scheme and ploy that failed and now the push is on to bring back Reagans and George W. Bush's trickle down economic scheme and ploy in the name of tax reform.  And once again the trumpet man and the republicans scheme is to lower the tax rate dramatically for corporate America and the wealthy and throw peanuts to everyone else.  It is SOP for republican Administrations.

The trumpet man is the big fraud on the matter because he refuses to make his tax returns public and there fore shows no transparency.  He has not divested himself from his company business and stands to make millions on any reduction to the tax code for corporate America and the wealthy.  Past Presidents understood the conflict of interest issue and took the proper steps to isolate themselves from their financial matters.  But the trumpet man does not want the people to know what he is hiding on his tax returns.

Corporate America and the wealthy continue to do well financially under the present tax code and the economy continues to create jobs.  It's policy that counts and that is what President Obama had, policy.  In fact the Obama administration let the Bush tax cuts expire for those making over $550,000.00 a year and the economy and jobs did better on Obama's watch than on Bush's watch.  Tax cuts for the wealthy and Corporate America never reduced the federal deficit under Reagan or Bush and took trillions of dollars from the federal government's revenue. Despite the trillions of dollars in tax cuts under Reagan and Bush, neither of them balanced one federal budget in the 16 years they served and both left office with the deficit higher than when they took office.

The democrats in congress should put the trumpet man on notice that they will not talk about any reductions in the tax rates for corporate America or the wealthy  until Trump makes his tax returns public so the people will know how much the trumpet man will make on the deal and that the first business of any tax reform bill should be to cancel all the tax loopholes and special tax exemptions for corporate America and the wealthy with no strings attached.  

The trumpet man has made a life out of being dishonest with people and continues to follow the same corrupt pattern as President.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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