Saturday, December 23, 2017

Louisiana's Steve Scalise and Bill Cassidy: A Fake News Editorial

In a co-authored editorial in the Times Picayune of 12/22 both Scalise and Cassidy took Trump's fake news and lies to a new high concerning the GOP's tax cuts.  The article is a sad reminder how much they and Trump have in common.  On the same editorial page there was another article by Michael Russo that told the real story of the Trump-GOP tax scam.

The economic success that both Scalise and Cassidy predict for Louisiana, the economy, job creation and higher wages for the average American did not happen after the Bush tax cuts like the phony GOP said it would.  And of course they omitted that from the editorial.  They also make the fake statement as follows:  STUDIES SHOW THAT PASSAGE OF THIS LAW WILL GENERATE HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF NEW JOBS OVER THE NEXT DECADE AND BEYOUND.  However, they can not define what studies they are talking about.  Paul Krugman shot that fake news study down a few weeks ago that appeared in a previous Times Picayune article by pointing out that not only had there been any credible study pointing out such a thing, the republicans in congress never held one public hearing on the tax plan matter to get such input from economist or others.

Another piece of fake news concerns Scalise and Cassidy making the statement:  THEY GOT RID OF SPECIAL INTEREST LOOPHOLES.  Actually they did no such thing and did not name any.  They actually created more by caving in to their own party's demands to have enough votes to pass the plan.  Another of their tired worn out statements they tried to pass off was:  AMERICA WAS DEAD LAST IN TAX COMPETITIVENESS.  Former U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich shot down that piece of fake news long ago and again recently in a Huffington Post commentary.

Scalise and Cassidy's editorial takes up much time and space with fake news and one sentence in the last paragraph reveals that their plan is just one big puff of smoke.  And here is what that one sentence says:  AFTER MORE THAN 30 YEARS, IT IS LONG PAST TIME THAT AMERICANS TAKE BACK CONTROL OF OUR ECONOMY, OR JOBS AND OUR PAY CHECKS.  Well, that 30 years goes back to the Reagan administration and during that period of time, the economy, jobs, and increase in middle class wages and lower unemployment had its best years under democratic control.  Plus budgets were balanced and deficits were reduced.  And to top it off, more jobs were created under President Clinton in the 8 years he served than were created under Reagan, Bush 41 or Bush 43 in the 20 years they served.  And  Reagan and Bush 43 cut taxes.

The article also made a stupid statement and Scalise and Cassidy shows their ignorance when they said:  THE TAX CUT WILL GET OUR ECONOMY GROWING AGAIN.  Well, the U.S. economy is in its 9th straight year of economic expansion due to the policies of President Obama and the democrats in congress who passed Obama's economic plan to move the country out of Scalise and Cassidy's party great economic recession of 2008 with its massive job loss.  Bush's tax cuts failed to do what the republicans promised.

When it comes to job creation the republican party are no shows.  From 1929 thru 2008, more jobs were created on the democratic watch of Clinton and Carter in the 12 years they served, than were created under all the republican Presidents who served during that same period.  Those republican Presidents were:  Hoover, Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 and they served a total of 40 years.  The same would apply if you take the 16 years of Clinton and Obama against those republicans and the numbers are not even close.  (see my previous commentary dated 11/5/10  on the subject matter titled, Job Creation for Presidential Terms:  1929-2008)

Scalise and Cassidy's article only continues the sad state of elected officials who are so used to selling the American people fake news it has become part of their make up.  And as this writer said long before Trump became President, that the GOP and Trump are one and the same came to pass even to their silence to Trump's out right lies.  As for Louisiana, there has been very, very few benefits to the state with the election of both Scalise and Cassidy.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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