Saturday, December 9, 2017

Why President Trump Hates America's Institutions and Regulations.

It is because they are a protection and safeguard for the country and its people against a President who would like to bring his corrupt business practice to the White House and operate as an autocrat with no checks and balances.  It is how the trumpet man lives his personal and business life and shows respect to no one.

The CIA and the FBI are the bad ones according to Trump because they are responsible for uncovering Russia's interference with the 2016 Presidential election in favor of Trump and now the subject of an investigation by a special council that leads to the door step of Trump and family members.  Four of Trump's campaign people have already pleaded guilty and Trump knows his Presidency is in jeopardy so he tries to destroy the credibility of those two institutions.

Ditto the news media for reminding the people about Trump's every day lies.  The corrupt President who first used "fake news" has tried to pass the buck to the news media.  It was the news media that made public the tapes that exposed the trumpet man's corrupted actions about how he abused women.  He feels he is above the law and can do any thing he feels like doing.

The roll back of so many rules and regulations put into place by President Obama to protect the country and its people against abuse by business falls squarely into his autocrat persona of little or no regulations for business to engage in corrupt acts that directly affect the country and its people in a negative way.

The American people can not allow this President to continue his destructive behavior and should make their voices heard.  The greatest threat to America and what America stands for comes from within and not from abroad.  The GOP in congress will not help because they and Trump are one and the same.  Ten plus months in office and Trump is still the regressive President who created a swamp that is corrupting and UnAmerican.  Impeachment is still the only answer for this President.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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