Thursday, January 11, 2018

Mexico's President Has More Credibility On The WALL Than President Trump

The trumpet man met his match long ago when he campaigned on a platform of building a border WALL along the Mexico border and making Mexico pay for it.  Mexico's President's early response was they would not pay for any WALL.  But Trump kept saying they would and Mexico kept  responding no.  The bully was trying to act tough because of his base and in the end betrayed them and all America.

Now as of just last week Trump wants congress to appropriate $18 billion of tax payers money to build the WALL or immigration reform will not happen.  The bully just could not tell the people the truth and Mexico did tell the people the truth.  Oh, and remember, Trump said he was good at building WALLs.  The corrupt world of Donald Trump is a self serving one and Mexico's leaders exposed it big time.

The democrats in congress should remind the trumpet man what he pledged to do and explain why he reneged.  The public deserves a statement from the President why he reneged.  The democrats should also suggest Trump ask corporate America to pay for the WALL with their 14% reduction in corporate income tax given them by Trump and the GOP.  The much larger problem is Trump and the GOP are really not interested in real immigration reform at all.  It is no different than their lies concerning the health care plan.  Does every one still remember that?

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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