Thursday, January 4, 2018

The Democratic Party Is Needed More Now Than Ever Before

The year 2018 is the year President Trump and the GOP will make a determined effort to roll back Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid using the same kind of scam and scheme they used to justify the recently passed tax cuts.  And the democrats in congress are the only ones who can stop the  assault on those programs.  When you have a republican President and republican controlled congress who are willing to brag about their tax scam you have a very dangerous group of people that would collude with the devil in order to have their way.

The democrats I congress stuck together during the Bush 43 administration and was able to sidetrack Bush's attempt to privatize Social Security.  The Bush republicans in congress said the democrats were obstructing but the democrats held firm and together defeated the republican's attempt.  Now they are ready to make another attempt with Trump and Paul Ryan, speaker of the U.S. House leading the way.  It is no secret that Ryan has been looking forward to making it happen.  The extreme measures that Trump and the GOP have exhibited in 2017 should be cause to alarm all Americans to stand up, be counted and let their voices be heard clear in opposing the coming assault on those programs.

This writer believes the democrats in congress will do their part in protecting those programs that have served the people and their country so well.  And we the public have to support them in their endeavors to do so.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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