Tuesday, February 13, 2018

LABI and Laura Ingraham Deserve Each Other

And it all fell into place when LABI (Louisiana Association of Business and Industry) invited Ingraham to be their keynote speaker at their annual meeting last Thursday in Baton Rouge.  Ingraham is a conservative right wing radio and TV personality who appears regularly on the Fox News Network  That is the network who has the sexual harassment problem.   And true to form Ingraham was inflammatory in her comments.

One would think LABI, a business association would be above it all and invite a keynote speaker that would make the association and its business members proud with positive comments.  They knew very well of Ingraham's divisive political attitude and personal attacks and her alignment with the hate spread by Donald Trump.  The Times Picayune reported that a few hours after her speech, the association sent out a statement trying to disassociate itself from her remarks but it won't wash.   The association knew very well what Ingraham represented.

LABI has never been a good friend to the state or its people.  It is the largest business organization in Louisiana and its main theme is to continue the corporate welfare tax breaks its members receive from the state legislature.  It is also a conservative leaning organization who supported former governor Bobby Jindal's failed business policies and his failure to balance Louisiana's budget  And to top it off, Jindal left office with the Louisiana unemployment rate much higher than when he took office.  That probably did not matter to LABI.

LABI's invitation to Ingraham to be their keynote speaker tells one just how low this business organization was willing to stoop.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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