Saturday, February 10, 2018

The Scandals Continue Unabated In The Trump White House

Thirteen months in office President Trump and members of his White House staff continue to created scandal after scandal.  This time it is the trumpet man's staff secretary Rob Porter who was forced to resign after months of alleged sexual abuse by two of his former wives.  The allegations were known for some time by Trump's team members, including Trump's special council according to reports.

Trump wished Porter well and that Porter denied the allegations.  However, both of Porter's previous wives came out in public with the details and with the FBI.  Abusing women is nothing new to the Trump White House as Trump himself said on tape, as a star he could do any thing he wanted with women and could even grab them by the you know what.  That came from the trumpet mans own mouth and thru his own lips.  And of course Trump has also been accused by 19 women of past sexual harassment.

Trump's moral corruption continues to change the White House as a place of honor made possible by previous administrations that understood what America's institutions are all  about.  So much damage to America and its political system in such a short period of time by a President who is only interested in his own ego.  One can be sure it will not be the last White House staff member who has to resign.  The atmosphere at the White House will never change as long as it is occupied by Donald Trump.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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