Sunday, February 4, 2018

The State of The Union Address Was A Reminder That An Unstable President Still Occupys The White House

The trumpet man has begun his second year in office and is still so unstable, believes he has to continue to lie to the nation and his base to satisfy his ego and mental state of mind.  And this time the lie was over a issue that matters not one flip.  Trump said his State of the Union address was watched by the highest number of people in history, 45.6 million viewers.

Neilson, which does the TV ratings says not so.  That the State of the Union address of President Bush in 2002, President Obama in 2010 and President Clintons in 1994 were higher at 51.7 million, 48 million and 46.8 million.  It was not the first time trump has lied about TV coverage of his Presidential events and one can be sure it will not be his last lie.  Trump's mental instability continue to take a toll on the highest office in the land and America's institutions, especially the intelligence community, the FBI the judicial system and congress.

And now we are witnessing a full court press by the trumpet man and the GOP to derail the special prosecutors investigation of Trump and others involvement with Russia and the obstruction of justice.  The desire to kill American's democratic process has been unprecedented by Trump and the GOP.  Make no mistake, Trump and his party in congress are following an un-American assault against every thing good about the country and its people.

Impeachment is the only answer to the unstable and corrupt trumpet man.  And the special prosecutor is getting closer every day for the axe to drop.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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