Sunday, March 4, 2018

Cal Thomas: A Journalist Who Should Hand Up His Writing Pen

The conservative journalist in a Times Picayune opinion column titled, "Boldly going like no President before" Thomas finally admits that the Reagan administration never cut spending, quite a statement since Reagan left office over 30 years ago and the fact that Thomas' party is still proclaiming Reagan did cut spending.  The article makes no sense because Thomas proposes that congress does what he says they never do.

Conservative journalists follow the line of empty commentary because they can not find any thing positive to write about when republicans control the White House and the congress.  After 13 months in office the Trump White House is a good example of a lack of accomplishments so the people are exposed to Thomas latest opinion which is full of holes on reducing spending.  He also blames congress for Reagan's failure to cut spending using the words " congressional intransigence.

But you might know since the article was about reducing spending Thomas could not bring himself to inform his readers that the Clinton Administration that followed a republican administration and the Obama administration that followed a republican administration did reduce spending on a percentage basis and did a better job than the republican administrations before them. (covered in a recent commentary here in PolitiDose)

The reading public really deserve all the facts regardless of their political orientation.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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