Sunday, April 29, 2018

In New Orleans, Lee Circle Should Be Renamed

The statue of Robert E. Lee is no longer there at Lee Circle but the mound is still there and can become a beautiful circle and should be renamed, but not in honor of any individual.  It is a great location, heavily traveled, even by street car and a new name should be found.

The removal of Lee's statue like so many civil war monuments brought about division from many factions and a lot of ugly words.  So renaming the circle should be one that respects and indicates togetherness.  A name that has nothing to do with politics, war or any individual.  It should be a name that binds the whole community, one that everyone can be proud of and understand.

This writer believes Lee Circle should be renamed UNITY CIRCLE.  It is a name everyone can understand about a community that has survived many distractions but knows it is UNITY and not division that will move New Orleans forward to a better place for our citizens and our children to progress.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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