Friday, June 29, 2018

Trump and His Party Fail Once Again To Pass Immigration Reform Legislation

President Trump, with his ditto head republican cowards in the U.S. House failed to pass immigration reform for the second time in the past week.  This time they failed big time on a lopsided vote of 301-121.  Their rhetoric on immigration reform continues to be just that, rhetoric.  The cowards can not even agree on a plan even though they have enough votes in the House to pass immigration reform without democratic votes.

Trump, the tough talking big mouth helped to defeat the two bills by first opposing them,, then supporting them and then in between told his party to stop wasting their time on immigration until after the November elections  Cowards use ideology to make decisions instead of doing the right thing and the result is a lack of governing.  That is why the trumpet man and his ditto heads really have no policy or plans on immigration reform.  It is also why every vote they have taken on health care and immigration has failed.  And just think, they made both issues their top priority.

The United States has an unstable President and a unstable republican controlled congress that operates in chaos every day.  The government is running but it is not governing, there is a difference.  But there is hope because this writer believes Mueller's investigation results will be a bombshell beyond any ones expectations and the possibility does exist democrats will win back at least one house of congress.

In the mean time Trump and his party are still trying to discredit any one that has anything to do with Mueller's investigation.  They know the hand writing is on the wall and the clock is ticking.  Cowards always put themselves first above country and the law.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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