Thursday, September 13, 2018

Louisiana's Republican Attorney General Jeff Landry: Just Another Trump Ditto Head

Louisiana's Attorney General Has joined a group 20 state republican governors and Attorney Generals who brought a lawsuit in a Texas federal court in an attempt to overturn the Affordable Care Act.  Texas Attorney General is leading the lawsuit.  Landry wants the Louisiana legislature to determine whether pre existing conditions should be covered by insurance companies should the court toss the ACA along with pre existing conditions.  Landry thinks the state can handle the issue better than the ACA or the federal government.

Of course we all know that President Trump and the republican controlled congress said they were better to handle the heath care issue and have failed because they have no plan and never did.  It should be noted that Landry and no other republican in the Louisiana legislature has ever introduced a heath care bill in Louisiana  Like Trump, their rhetoric is good but their actions are non existent.  The state legislature, the state and the state insurance commission can't even do anything about Louisiana's out of control high automobile insurance premiums that increase every year.  Yet Landry wants the state legislature to handle pre existing conditions.  They actually had a chance to do so before the ACA ever became law and failed.  That is one reason we have the ACA.

Landry is just another Trump and republican ditto head on the extreme side of issues because they have no record of accomplishments as a party.  They have kicked health care down the road since the George W. Bush administration and still have no working plan.  Big mouths, all talk and no plans.  That is Landry and his party.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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