Thursday, October 4, 2018

Another Big First For PoitiDose: Judge Brett Kavanaugh's Hysterical Testimony Of September 27,2018

PolitiDose called the shot with one of the first, and maybe even the very first to recognize that Kavanaugh's hysterical testimony under oath before the Senate Judiciary Committee on the above date was more than enough to disqualify him for a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court.  And it was especially his out burst against an alleged rigged hearings by the democrats and invoking the Clintons into the subject matter.

Now we have several reported stories by the news media concerning a letter signed by 500 law professors, including 8 law professors from Yale University (Where Kavanaugh earned his law degree) that condemn Kavanaugh for a lack of judicial temperament.  The letter was sent to the U.S. Senate to say that the volatile temperament Kavanaugh displayed on Thursday (Sept. 27) as he testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee disqualifies him from sitting on the nations highest court.  We regret that we feel compelled to write to you to provide our views that at the Senate hearings on Thursday, Sept. 27, 2018, the honorable Brett Kavanaugh displayed a lack of judicial temperament that would be disqualifying for any court, and certainly for elevation to the highest court of this land.

The signees also criticize the judge for indicating that he believes allegations made by professor Christine Ford and other women are "a calculated and orchestrated political hit" by members of the democratic party rather than acknowledging that the Senate must try to understand and investigate the facts surrounding the allegations.  Instead of trying to sort out with reason and care the allegations that were raised, Judge Kavanaugh responded in an intemperate, inflammatory and partial manner, as he interrupted and, at times was discourteous to questioners."  The law professors site two statutes governing bias and recusal, that require a judge to step aside if he or she is at risk of being perceived as being unfair.

Readers of PolitiDose would note that some of the comments this writer made in the article written and published on 9/28/18, the day after Kavanaugh's testimony are very similar to what the law professors letter conveys almost a week later.  It becomes obvious every day that the Senate Judiciary Committee does not need Dr. Ford's testimony to find President Trump's nominee, Brett Kavanaugh unfit to serve on the Supreme Court of the United States.  And as strange as it may seem, Kavanaugh's hysterical testimony supplied the proof.

The full U.S. Senate in their meeting tomorrow should vote to reject the Kavanaugh nomination.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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